Manipulate Custom Tabular representation in Mathematica

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-22 13:33:08


Considering the following data example :

data ={
       {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"},
       {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
       {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}, 
       {21, 22, 23, 24, 25}

And the following Function to generate customized Tabular representation :

(and you can refer to Mr.Wizard extensive solution for customizable tabular representations. Ultimatly I would also manipulate the options he offered, for now )

DataSampleX[data_, linesNumber_, range1_, range2_, color1_, color2_, color3_] :=

      {Range[range1, range2]}, {Map[Rotate[Text[#], 90 Degree] &,
       data[[1, range1 ;; range2]]]}, 
       data[[2 ;; linesNumber, range1 ;; range2]]
       Background    -> {{{{color1, color2}}, {1 -> color3}}},
       Dividers      -> {All, {1 -> True, 2 -> True, 3 -> True,0 -> True}},
       ItemSize      -> {1 -> Automatic, Automatic},
       Alignment     -> Top,
       Frame         -> True,
       FrameStyle    -> Thickness[2],
       ItemStyle     -> {Automatic, Automatic, 
                        {{1, 1}, {1, Length[data]}} ->Directive[FontSize -> 
                        15, Black, Bold]}

I would like to use Manipulate or Dynamic to display parts of my data using the above. This choosing the range of column I want to display, the number of lines to display as well as colors.

Below is my unfinished attempt.

PopupMenu[Dynamic[range1], Range[1, Length@data[[1]] - 1, 1]]
PopupMenu[Dynamic[range2], Range[2, Length@data[[1]], 1]]
PopupMenu[Dynamic[linesNumber], Range[2, Length@data[[All, 1]] - 1, 1]]
Dynamic[DataSampleX[data, linesNumber, range1, range2, LightBlue, 
LightGray, LightYellow]]

How could I use setter to update the Color Value ?

Is it possible to actually have this in a Manipulate window ?

Any other suggestion to make this efficient look good is welcome.

-EDIT : What I am able to do now thanks to Belisarius solution below :


Try something like:

colsel = (#->Graphics[{#, Disk[]},ImageSize -> 15])& /@ColorData[1, "ColorList"];
s[x_] := Style[x, Black, Bold, 12];
ct = ControlType -> PopupMenu;

 DataSampleX[data, linesNumber, range1, range2, color1, color2, color3],
    Control@{{range1,      1, s@"Range1"}, Range[1, Length@data[[1]] - 1],  ct}, 
    Control@{{range2,      2, s@"Range2"}, Range[2, Length@data[[1]] - 1],  ct}, 
    Control@{{linesNumber, 2, s@"Lines"},  Range[2,Length@data[[All, 1]]-1],ct}}],
     Control@{{color1, colsel[[1, 1]], s@"Color 1"}, colsel, ct}, 
     Control@{{color2, colsel[[2, 1]], s@"Color 2"}, colsel, ct}, 
     Control@{{color3, colsel[[3, 1]], s@"Color 3"}, colsel, ct}}]

