In Java resource bundles I may have the following Resource Bundle definitions:
en_GB - British English
jobs.search.resultstr = There {1,choice,0#are no jobs|1#is one job|1<are {1,number,integer} jobs} for your search
ceb_PH - Cebuano
jobs.search.resultstr = Adunay {1,choice,0#mga walay mga|1#mao ang 1 nga|1<{1,number,integer}} trabaho alang sa {1,choice,0#inyong mga|1#imong|1<inyong mga} search
The code I would use to extract the resource would make choices based on the input data and format the string correctly resulting in one of three different outputs.
pseudo code:
myResultStr = resourceBundle.getResource("jobs.search.resultStr", jobs.recordCount)
This would result in one of the following strings being output dependent on chosen locale and number of results returned.
- There are no jobs for your search
- There is one job for your search
- There are 2 jobs for your search
- Adunay mga walay mga trabaho alang sa inyong mga search
- Adunay mao ang 1 nga trabaho alang sa imong search
- Adunay 2 trabaho alang sa inyong mga search
I'm relatively new to .NET development and I've been looking at the .NET .resource and .resx approaches to localisation and I don't seem to be able to find any hint as to how I can achieve the same level of localisation flexibility as I've illustrated above within the .NET framework.
Any guidance and pointers as to how I could achieve this in .NET would be most welcome.
The way I solved this was indeed to use the CustomFormatter to implement an equivalent of ChoiceFormat which is used by a custom ResourceBundle object to proxy access to the .NET resx files. By implementing a Pluraliser object hierarchy covering all the languages I need (and more in the future) along with ChoiceFormat, I can localise strings accurately.
The code looks a bit like this...
String.Format(new ChoiceFormatProvider(Session["CultureInfo"]), rb.GetString("resxkey", Session["CultureInfo"]), new object[] { 5 });
The strings returned by GetString are localised by the resx file but are then processed by the custom formatter and they look like this....
{0:choice,0#zero str|1#one str|1<more than one}
Taking this further, I can process strings formatted like so...
{0:plural,zero#zero str|one#singular str|two#dual str|few#few str|many#many str|other#other plural str}
These two features coupled with a set of custom pluraliser objects allow for very complex localisation features to be implemented.