I have a function that reads a multi-band image in as a raster brick object, iterates through the bands doing various calculations, and then writes the raster out as a new .tif. All of this works fine, but the file size of the new image file is roughly four times greater (I assume because the original image has 4 bands). I'm wondering if there's a parameter in the writeRaster() function that I'm unaware of, or if there's some other way I can ensure that the output image is basically the same file size as the input.
Original file size is 134 MB; output ranges from 471 to 530 MB or so, depending on format.
Simplified code:
path = "/Volumes/ENVI Standard Files/"
img = "qb_tile.img"
imageCorrection = function(path, img){
raster = brick(paste0(path, img))
raster = reclassify(raster, cbind(0, NA))
for(i in 1:nlayers(raster)){
raster[[i]] = raster[[i]] - minValue(raster[[i]])
writeRaster(raster, paste0(path,img,"_process.tif"), format = "GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
You can set the default datatype for writing rasters with the rasterOptions()
as follows:
Or directly in the writeRaster call:
writeRaster(yourRas, "path/to/raster/", dataType="INT2U", options="COMPRESS=LZW")
Also notice the options argument where you can specify compression.
Usually when I export integer rasters from R, I make sure that I really have integers and not floats, since this can result in an empty raster. Try the following before exporting:
ras <- as.integer(ras)
Please note:
Also check for negative values in your raster. Try INT2S
if you have values below zero.