In VS2010 WF4 workflow designer is there any way to get it to auto arrange the layout? I want to add a new step near the top of a workflow and I can't see any way to easily make room for the new item. The process flow underneath where I want to add the new step is a switch statement with several branches; it doesn't even seem to be possible to multi-select items and move them all down to make room.
Sadly, there is no way, other than adding what you want to add and then deleting the .layout file, forcing it to generate a new layout. Make sure you back up the file in case the new arrangement is worse than the old.
Expand your DataSet.xsd tree and delete XSS File...
--DataSet.xss <-- Delete this one...
If you're adventurous, you can run code such as this (back up your XSS file first, this code will overwrite it!). The code will auto-arrange the shapes in the designer neatly. You can tweak the constants for best effect. Their meanings should be obvious.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace AutoArrangeXss
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void AutoArrange(string xssFile)
const int xPad = 80;
const int yPad = 20;
const int maxY = 1500;
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(xssFile);
var ns = doc.Root.Name.Namespace;
var shapes = doc.Descendants(ns + "Shape").ToList();
int X = 0;
int Y = 0;
int columnW = 0;
foreach (XElement shape in shapes)
int Height = int.Parse(shape.Attribute("Height").Value);
int Width = int.Parse(shape.Attribute("Width").Value);
if (Width > columnW) columnW = Width;
shape.Attribute("X").Value = X.ToString();
shape.Attribute("Y").Value = Y.ToString();
Y += Height + yPad;
if (Y > maxY)
X += columnW + xPad;
Y = 0;
columnW = 0;