How do you change/rename the text of post statuses in the top of the WP custom post type page
All | Published | Scheduled | Draft
Using the filter views_edit-{$post_type}
. Modify the array to set the desired post types:
foreach( array( 'post', 'portfolio' ) as $hook )
add_filter( "views_edit-$hook", 'modified_views_so_15799171' );
function modified_views_so_15799171( $views )
$views['all'] = str_replace( 'All ', 'Tutti ', $views['all'] );
if( isset( $views['publish'] ) )
$views['publish'] = str_replace( 'Published ', 'Online ', $views['publish'] );
if( isset( $views['future'] ) )
$views['future'] = str_replace( 'Scheduled ', 'Future ', $views['future'] );
if( isset( $views['draft'] ) )
$views['draft'] = str_replace( 'Drafts ', 'In progress ', $views['draft'] );
if( isset( $views['trash'] ) )
$views['trash'] = str_replace( 'Trash ', 'Dustbin ', $views['trash'] );
return $views;