I am working on an app that presents some data in a detailViewController. I have a rightBarButton in the navbar that presents a UIActivityViewController that is filled with my own UIActivity sublclassed items. Most of them work fine as they are just changing a small aspect to the data from the detail view, but I need one of them to open a modalViewController when selected. I keep getting the following warning from the console.....
Warning: Attempt to present <UINavigationController: 0x1fd00590>
on <UITabBarController: 0x1fde1070> which is already presenting <MPActivityViewController: 0x1fd2f970>
I suppose it is worth noting that the app doesn't crash but the modal view doesn't appear either. I am assuming that the UIActivityViewController is a modal view itself and you can only display one of those at a time so the task is to figure out how to perform my segue after the ActivityView has disappeared, but thats where I am stumped. I welcome any help, thoughts or feedback. I've tried google but haven't had much luck, I assume because The UIActivityViewController is so new.
Here is my setup so far, my UIActivity objects have a delegate set to the detailViewController for a custom protocol that lets the detailViewController perform the data changes and then update its view.
for the activities in question that should present the modalView controller I have tried a few approaches that all get the same warning.
None of These Works!!!
1) simply tried performing segue from my delegate method
- (void) activityDidRequestTransactionEdit
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"editTransaction" sender:self];
2)tried setting a completion block on the UIActivityViewController and having my delegate method set a bool flag that the modal view should be shown(self.editor)
[activityViewController setCompletionHandler:^(NSString *activityType, BOOL completed) {
NSLog(@"completed dialog - activity: %@ - finished flag: %d", activityType, completed);
if (completed && self.editor) {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"editTransaction" sender:self];
3) subclassing the UIActivityViewController itself, giving it the detailView as a delegate, and overriding it's dismissViewControllerAnimated: method with my own completion block
- (void) dismissViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion
[super dismissViewControllerAnimated:flag completion:^{
[self.MPActivityDelegate activityDidRequestTransactionEdit];
The working Solution
In the UIActivity subclass you need to override this method like so
- (UIViewController *) activityViewController {
MPEditMyDataViewController *controller = [[MPEditMyDataViewController alloc] init];
controller.activity = self; // more on this property below
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:controller];
return navController;
in your MPEditMyDataViewController.h (the view controller the chosen action should produce) You need a property back to the activity subclass like so
@property (strong, nonatomic) MPEditMyDataActivity *activity;
in your MPEditMyDataViewController.m
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UIBarButtonItem *cancelButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = cancelButton;
// here's how you dismiss the view controller when you are done with it
// after saving the changes to your data or whatever the view controller is supposed to do.
-(void) cancel
NSLog(@"Cancel Button Pushed");
[self.activity activityDidFinish:YES];
Did some more documentation digging and found this method for UIActivity subclassing
- (UIViewController *) activityViewController
it gets my view controller to pop up like I wanted by returning it from here instead of trying to segue it from my detailViewController. Now to figure out how to dismiss it when I'm done with it!!!!