Neo4j Multi-tenancy

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-22 05:03:15


What is the best way to achieve multi-tenancy in neo4j?

I have seen Tinkerpop and Spring Data.

I'm have multiple clients and I would like to store client info in its own database to ensure security.

I do not want to use labels or indexes to solve this problem.


You mention that you've "seen TinkerPop" but I couldn't tell if that meant you've seen it, considered it and dismissed it as a solution here, so apologies if that is the case and I'm not answering your question.

I've successfully used PartitionStrategy (formerly PartitionGraph) from TinkerPop to achieve multi-tenancy in Neo4j (and other graph databases).

You can read more about the approach here in this blog post on the subject.


Neo4j does not support multi-tenant deployments at this time. You can run multiple instances on the same server, each one on a different port.

Alternatively, you can use a managed hosting service like GrapheneDB, which provides secure independent instances. Disclaimer: I work at GrapheneDB.

