I am working with Tensorflow 1.4.
I created a custom tf.estimator in order to do classification, like this:
def model_fn():
# Some operations here
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode,
predictions={"Preds": predictions},
my_estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=model_fn,
I can train it easily:
input_fn = create_train_input_fn(path=train_files)
where input_fn is a function that reads data from tfrecords files, with the tf.data.Dataset API.
As I am reading from tfrecords files, I don't have labels in memory when I am making predictions.
My question is, how can I have predictions AND labels returned, either by the predict() method or the evaluate() method?
It seems there is no way to have both. predict() does not have access (?) to labels, and it is not possible to access the predictions dictionary with the evaluate() method.
After you finished your training, in '/my/directory'
you have a bunch of checkpoint files.
You need to set up your input pipeline again, manually load one of those files, then start looping through your batches storing the predictions and the labels:
# Rebuild the input pipeline
input_fn = create_eval_input_fn(path=eval_files)
features, labels = input_fn()
# Rebuild the model
predictions = model_fn(features, labels, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL).predictions
# Manually load the latest checkpoint
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as sess:
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state('/my/directory')
saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
# Loop through the batches and store predictions and labels
prediction_values = []
label_values = []
while True:
preds, lbls = sess.run([predictions, labels])
prediction_values += preds
label_values += lbls
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
# store prediction_values and label_values somewhere
Update: changed to use directly the model_fn
function you already have.