rails 3/postgres - how long is a string if you don't apply :limit in schema

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-22 02:05:40


My googlefu must be weak because I cannot find anything to tell me the default limit of a string column in my Rails app (hosted at Heroku, using PostgreSQL as the database).

Any help would be appreciated!


ActiveRecord uses varchar(255) (or character varying (255) to be pedantic) if you don't specify a specific limit. You can always hop into PostgreSQL with psql and say \d your_table to get the table as PostgreSQL sees it.

I don't think the default is specified anywhere but it is right here in the source:

  :primary_key => "serial primary key",
  :string      => { :name => "character varying", :limit => 255 },

The closest thing to a specification is in the Migrations Guide:

These will be mapped onto an appropriate underlying database type, for example with MySQL :string is mapped to VARCHAR(255).

But that's not about PostgreSQL and not exactly a guarantee.

As an aside, if you're using PostgreSQL, you should almost always go straight to :text and pretend that :string doesn't exist. PostgreSQL treats them the same internally except that it has to do a length check on varchar. There's a bit more discussion on this over here in another one of my answers: Changing a column type to longer strings in rails.


In rails 4 there is no default limit for string type as you can see in the source:

        primary_key: "serial primary key",
        bigserial: "bigserial",
        string:      { name: "character varying" },
        text:        { name: "text" },

if you don't specify a limit ActiveRecord will just set character varying and you could store there a string of any length as stated in the documentation:

If character varying is used without length specifier, the type accepts strings of any size

