AVAudioPlayer resetting currently playing sound and playing it from beginning

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-22 01:42:29


I'm having an issue using AVAudioPlayer where I want to reset a player if it's currently playing and have it play again.

I try the following with no luck:

The sound plays once but then the second time i select the button it stops the sound, the third time starts the sound up again.

//Stop the player and restart it
if (player.playing) {
    NSLog(@"Reset sound: %@", selectedSound);
    [player stop];
    [player play];
} else {
    NSLog(@"playSound: %@", selectedSound);
    [player play];      

I've also tried using player.currentTime = 0 which indicates that would reset the player, that didn't work, I also tried resetting currentTime = 0 and then calling play that didn't work.

//Stop the player and restart it
if (player.playing) {
    NSLog(@"Reset sound: %@", selectedSound);
    player.currentTime = 0;
    [player play];
} else {
    NSLog(@"playSound: %@", selectedSound);
    [player play];      


For your situation I would try the following

//Pause the player and restart it
if (player.playing) {
    NSLog(@"Reset sound: %@", selectedSound);
    [player pause];

player.currentTime = 0;
[player play];

If you are going to immediately play the sound again, I would suggest pause instead of stop. Calling stop "Stops playback and undoes the setup needed for playback."


As indicated, if you want the sound to play again, you should avoid disabling the AVAudioPlayer instance with a stop but rather, just issue a reset of the position where it is playing. So, don't use stop() or pause() but as Plumenator mentioned, just issue .currentTime=0. So in your case, you would simply do:

if (player.isPlaying) { 
   player.currentTime = 0
} else {


Swift example:

player.currentTime = 0.0;

