Is there a way to hook to scroll event in WPF (Windows Phone7), in a MVVM manner? I'd like to detect when the list is scrolled to the bottom, and then do something. I tried something like this, but obviously it won't work:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Places}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPlace, Mode=TwoWay}">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Tap">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ListBoxClick}"/>
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Scroll">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ListBoxScroll}"/>
In this situation, I always look in the direction of attached behavior, because we need an independent solution that would work on the side UI and in the MVVM style. Attached behavior - is an attached property, which has an event handler to change this property and all the logic is implemented in this handler.
In this case you need to pass a Boolean value that indicates the beginning of behavior, and the command, what be executed when our condition is perform - scroll to the end of ListBox
I created an example behavior where the key logic is here:
private static void scrollViewerScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
var scrollViewer = sender as ScrollViewer;
if (scrollViewer != null)
// Here we determine if the bottom reached
if (scrollViewer.VerticalOffset == scrollViewer.ScrollableHeight)
command = GetCommand(listBox);
// Execute the command
Example of using:
<local:TestViewModel />
<x:Array x:Key="TestArray" Type="{x:Type sys:String}">
<ListBox Name="TestListBox"
AttachedBehaviors:ScrollingToBottomBehavior.Command="{Binding TestButtonCommand}"
ItemsSource="{StaticResource TestArray}"
Height="50" />
public class TestViewModel
private ICommand _testButtonCommand = null;
public ICommand TestButtonCommand
if (_testButtonCommand == null)
_testButtonCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.TestButton(), null);
return _testButtonCommand;
private void TestButton()
MessageBox.Show("Test command execute");
public class ScrollingToBottomBehavior
#region Private Section
private static ListBox listBox = null;
private static ICommand command = null;
#region IsEnabledProperty
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsEnabledProperty;
public static void SetIsEnabled(DependencyObject DepObject, string value)
DepObject.SetValue(IsEnabledProperty, value);
public static bool GetIsEnabled(DependencyObject DepObject)
return (bool)DepObject.GetValue(IsEnabledProperty);
#region CommandProperty
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty;
public static void SetCommand(DependencyObject DepObject, ICommand value)
DepObject.SetValue(CommandProperty, value);
public static ICommand GetCommand(DependencyObject DepObject)
return (ICommand)DepObject.GetValue(CommandProperty);
static ScrollingToBottomBehavior()
IsEnabledProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsEnabled",
new UIPropertyMetadata(false, IsFrontTurn));
CommandProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Command",
private static void IsFrontTurn(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
listBox = sender as ListBox;
if (listBox == null)
if (e.NewValue is bool && ((bool)e.NewValue) == true)
listBox.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(listBoxLoaded);
listBox.Loaded -= new RoutedEventHandler(listBoxLoaded);
private static void listBoxLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var scrollViewer = GetFirstChildOfType<ScrollViewer>(listBox);
if (scrollViewer != null)
scrollViewer.ScrollChanged += new ScrollChangedEventHandler(scrollViewerScrollChanged);
#region GetFirstChildOfType
private static T GetFirstChildOfType<T>(DependencyObject dependencyObject) where T : DependencyObject
if (dependencyObject == null)
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(dependencyObject); i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dependencyObject, i);
var result = (child as T) ?? GetFirstChildOfType<T>(child);
if (result != null)
return result;
return null;
private static void scrollViewerScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
var scrollViewer = sender as ScrollViewer;
if (scrollViewer != null)
if (scrollViewer.VerticalOffset == scrollViewer.ScrollableHeight)
command = GetCommand(listBox);
Complete sample project is available here.