Flex/Bison Error:request for member `str' in something not a structure or union

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-21 21:34:34


I'm learning flex/bison. I wrote the following program but getting errors.

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct node
    struct node *left;
    struct node *right;
    char *token;


node *mknode( node *left, node *right, char *token);
void printtree(node *tree);

#define YYSTYPE struct node *


    char* str;
    int num;

%start  lines
%token <str> WORD 
%token  <str> END

%right POWER

%type <str> exp term factor line lines

lines:      /* empty */
            | lines line;

line:       exp END                 { printtree($1); printf("\n");}

exp:        term                    {$$=$1; }
            | exp PLUS term         { $$=mknode($1,$3,"+"); }
            | exp MINUS term        { $$=mknode($1,$3,"-"); }

term:       factor                  { $$=$1; }
            |term TIMES factor      { $$=mknode($1,$3,"*"); }

factor:     WORD                    { $$=mknode(0,0, (char*)yylval); }
                                    { $$=$2; }

int main(void)
    return yyparse();

node *mknode(node *left, node *right, char *token)
  /* malloc the node */
  node *newnode = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
  char *newstr = (char *)malloc(strlen(token)+1);
  strcpy(newstr, token);
  newnode->left = left;
  newnode->right = right;
  newnode->token = newstr;

void printtree(node *tree)
  int i;

  if (tree->left || tree->right)

  printf(" %s ", tree->token);

  if (tree->left)
  if (tree->right)

  if (tree->left || tree->right)

int yyerror(char *s )
    fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);



  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include "y.tab.h"



[a-zA-Z0-9]+            { yylval.str = strdup( yytext ); return WORD; }
                        /* cast pointer to int for compiler warning */
[ \t]                   ;
"+"                     return(PLUS);
"-"                     return(MINUS);
"*"                     return(TIMES);
"/"                     return(DIVIDE);
"^"                     return(POWER);
"("                     return(LEFT_PARENTHESIS);
")"                     return(RIGHT_PARENTHESIS);
\n                      return(END);


int yywrap (void) {return 1;}

The error I'm getting:

C:\flexbison>recomp example2
example2.y:40.6: warning: empty rule for typed nonterminal, and no action
conflicts: 5 reduce/reduce
example2.y:43: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:46: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:46: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:47: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:47: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:47: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:48: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:48: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:48: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:51: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:51: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:52: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:52: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:52: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:55: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:56: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:58: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union
example2.y:58: error: request for member `str' in something not a structure or union

Any idea why I'm getting this error?


The first glaring problem is that you should not be defining YYSTYPE if you are using yacc. Yacc defines YYSTYPE from your %union. You need to define YYSTYPE if you're using lex, but not using yacc.

Your %union parse stack item type only contains int and str members. Example: you have defined the exp grammar symbol as having type str, and then you have this production:

exp:        term                    {$$=$1; }
            | exp PLUS term         { $$=mknode($1,$3,"+"); }
            | exp MINUS term        { $$=mknode($1,$3,"-"); }

The mknode function returns node *, but the type of the $$ symbol is char * because it stands for the exp on the left hand side, which you typed as a str, and the str member of the %union is char *.

The arguments to mknode must also be node *. But $1 and $3 do not have that type.

