Discretionary line break in HTML?

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-21 07:04:13


I'm looking for a way to specify where a line should break if it cannot fit on its line in a way similar to ­ (soft/discretionary hyphen), but with a space. I tried googling it but didn't get many relevant hits (mostly for InDesign despite specifying "html"), and what I did get was a few people saying they didn't know of a way.


Hello, my name
is foo.
my name is foo.
but if space is available:
Hello, my name is foo.

For specificity, I do not mean white-space: normal/nowrap/pre/… and I don't want to force a break like with <br />.

I'm using AngularJS, so most everything is processed thru JavaScript, so if there's an easy/efficient/clever way to do it with that, I'd be open to it.


To indicate where line break should not appear between words, use a NO-BREAK SPACE, or ' `, between words. Any normal space is breakable. So you can write e.g.

Hello,&nbsp;my&nbsp;name is&nbsp;foo. 

If you would rather indicate the allowed breaks (as per your comment below), you can wrap the text inside a nobr element (nonstandard, but works like a charm) or inside any element for which you set white-space: nowrap, thereby disallowing line breaks except when explicitly forced or allowed. You would then use the <wbr> tag (nonstandard, but...) or the character reference &#8203; or &#x200b; (for ice ZERO WIDTH SPACE) after a space to allow a line break, e.g.

<nobr>Hello, <wbr>my name <wbr>is foo.</nobr>

The choice between <wbr> and ZERO WIDTH SPACE is a tricky issue, mainly due to IE oddities.


You could use the <wbr> tag.

EDIT: As mentioned in the comments, you could use a zero-width space: &#8203; (See also: What's the opposite of a nbsp?)


I don't think there's any native way to do that, but here's a hack I've been using whenever I really need this sort of thing:

var str = "Hello,<br>My name is foo.";

str = str.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;').replace(/<br>/g, ' ');

Basically, use a non-breaking space to separate the words you don't want to break at.

See it here in action: http://jsfiddle.net/5xmt6/ (resize the window to see how it reacts).

Note: this is very hacky, and introduces its own set of problems; namely: if the viewport becomes extremely narrow, the rest of the text won't wrap.

