How to do batch request of fql queries in graph api?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-21 06:34:53


I am having 4-5 fql queries in single function. Each of them taking 2-4 seconds to execute. Total 14-15 seconds are required to execute that whole function. User required to wait for long time. So I want to reduce that processing time. ( There is not well supported multi-threading concept in PHP.)

I have heard of batch request concept in graph api. And I have googled a lot but didn't understand how to use batch request for fql queries in graph api.

  • Can anyone give explanation with example for using batch request of fql queries ?
  • By what time query processing time will reduce?
  • Is there any another method to reduce time of many fql queries?


Instead of calling each FQL query separately, why not use FQL Multiquery?

UPDATE Otherwise, if you don't want do use multiquery I think what you're looking for is here. I couldn't find anything more about FQL and Batch.

curl \
     -F 'access_token=…' \
     -F 'batch=[{ "method": "POST", \
    "relative_url": "method/fql.query?query=select+name+from+user+where+uid=4", \



More info here:


//$current_user=facebook id

 $query1="SELECT uid, name FROM user WHERE is_app_user=1 AND uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = $current_user)";
 $query2="SELECT uid, name, work_history FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = $current_user )";
 $query3="SELECT uid, name, work, education FROM user WHERE uid = $current_user";
 $queries = array(
           array('method'=>'GET', 'relative_url'=>'method/fql.query?query='.str_replace(' ','+',$query1)),
           array('method'=>'GET', 'relative_url'=>'method/fql.query?query='.str_replace(' ','+',$query2)),
           array('method'=>'GET', 'relative_url'=>'method/fql.query?query='.str_replace(' ','+',$query3))

            $objs = $facebook->api('/?batch='.json_encode($queries), 'POST');

$objs gets json array of whole result of thre queries.

And it is saving time a lot. This 3 queries individually takes total 9 seconds. With multiquery it takes 7 seconds. And with batch request it takes 3.6 seconds.

