I have a large existing application built on ASP.NET MVC2 RC2.
All of my links look like this: htp//site/controller/action/id
I just added an Area called: BigBird.
Now when I'm in the BigBird area, all of my links look like this: htp://site/BigBird/controller/action/id
Problem is that none of those controllers/actions exist in my new Area. So I have to go through all of my actionlinks all over my application and put this routevalue: area = string.empty
Is there any way around this?
I don't know of away around it if you are using the standard MVC methods (other than maybe overriding them to call your own version), but if you are using the ActionLink<TController>
or other generic methods provided in the MvcFutures lib then you can.
The MvcFutures methods call ExpressionHelper.GetRouteValuesFromExpression()
, which looks for an ActionLinkAreaAttribute
on the controller to determine the area. So you can decorate your controllers in your main "area" as follows:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
The action links should be generated correctly using the standard syntax:
<%= Html.ActionLink<HomeController>(c => c.Index(), "Home") %>
You can do one of two things. You can either move/copy your controllers/actions into the proper area or write some new controllers for the new area (which is the approach I recommend), or you can write a custom route that forces the new area to the root (which I don't recommend, as it defeats the whole purpose of having areas):
new { area = String.Empty }