I'm trying to apply the Bayesian rating formula, but if I rate 1 out of 5 thousand of hundreds, the final rating is greater than 5.
For example, a given item has no votes and after voting 170,000 times with 1 star, its final rating is 5.23. If I rate 100, it has a normal value.
Here is what I have in PHP.
// these values came from DB
$total_votes = 2936; // total of votes for all items
$total_rating = 582.955; // sum of all ratings
$total_items = 202;
// now the specific item, it has no votes yet
$this_num_votes = 0;
$this_score = 0;
$this_rating = 0;
// simulating a lot of votes with 1 star
for ($i=0; $i < 170000; $i++) {
$rating_sent = 1; // the new rating, always 1
$total_votes++; // adding 1 to total
$total_rating = $total_rating+$rating_sent; // adding 1 to total
$avg_num_votes = ($total_votes/$total_items); // Average number of votes in all items
$avg_rating = ($total_rating/$total_items); // Average rating for all items
$this_num_votes = $this_num_votes+1; // Number of votes for this item
$this_score = $this_score+$rating_sent; // Sum of all votes for this item
$this_rating = $this_score/$this_num_votes; // Rating for this item
$bayesian_rating = ( ($avg_num_votes * $avg_rating) + ($this_num_votes * $this_rating) ) / ($avg_num_votes + $this_num_votes);
echo $bayesian_rating;
Even if I flood with 1 or 2:
$rating_sent = rand(1,2)
The final rating after 100,000 votes is over 5.
I just did a new test using
$rating_sent = rand(1,5)
And after 100,000 I got a value completely out of range range (10.53). I know that in a normal situation no item will get 170,000 votes while all the other items get no vote. But I wonder if there is something wrong with my code or if this is an expected behavior of Bayesian formula considering the massive votes.
Just to make it clear, here is a better explanation for some variables.
$avg_num_votes // SUM(votes given to all items)/COUNT(all items)
$avg_rating // SUM(rating of all items)/COUNT(all items)
$this_num_votes // COUNT(votes given for this item)
$this_score // SUM(rating for this item)
$bayesian_rating // is the formula itself
The formula is: ( (avg_num_votes * avg_rating) + (this_num_votes * this_rating) ) / (avg_num_votes + this_num_votes)
. Taken from here
You need to divide by total_votes rather than total_items when calculating avg_rating.
I made the changes and got something that behaves much better here.