How to add data of different records to a single record?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-20 22:00:04


If do not have time please have a look at the example

I have two types of users, temporary users and permanent users.

Temporary users use the system as guest just provide their name and use it but system needs to track them.

Permanent users are those that are registered and permanent.

Once user create a permanent record for himself, I need to copy all the information that has been tracked while user was a guest to his permanent record.

Classes are as following,

public class PermUser{
    private long id;

    private List Favorites favorites;    


public class Favorites {
    private long id;

    @OneToMany (cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private List <FavoriteItems> items;


   public class FavoriteItems {
     private long id;

     private int quantity;

     private Ball ball;

public class TempUser extends PermUser{
    private String date;

Problems is :

If I clone the tempUser object, I am copying the id parameters as well so when saving the perm user object it shows a message like "Duplicate entry '10' for key ...", I can not remove the tempUser first then save the permUser as if saving permUser failed I will miss the data. If I try to copy each ball of favoriteitems separately without id of item it would not be an efficient way.

Example (Question in one sentence: As shown blew a user may have more than one TempUser record and just one PermUser record, therefore I need to add information of all the TempUser records to that single PermUser record.)

  Type of record    | name      | favorites         | date 
                    |           |                   |
1)TempUser          | Jack      | 2 items           | 1/1/2013
2)TempUser          | Jack      | 3 items           | 1/4/2013
  PermUser          | Jack      | 5 items ( 2 + 3 items from his temp records)

*Please note, I need to find a solution, and do not care if try a new solution rather than cloning the object.

The reason that I have two different classes is that tempUser has few additional attributes, I may also need to add favorites of few tempUsers to favorites list of one permUser. and also as mentioned above a user may have many different not related temp records


Forgive me if I'm missing something, but I don't think that TempUser and PermUser should be different classes. TempUser extends PermUser, which is an "is-a" relationship. Clearly, temporary users are not a type of permanent user. Your question doesn't give enough information to justify making them different -- perhaps they're the same class, and the difference can be expressed as a few new attributes? Eg:

public class User{
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private List Favorites favorites;
    private boolean isTemporary;

The "transition" from temporary to permanent can be handled by some controller, making sure that isTemporary = false and that the other properties of a permanent user are appropriately set. This would completely side-step the cloning issue and would be much easier on your database.


I just had the same problem. I've been digging through many interesting articles and questions in boards like SO untill I had enough inspiration.

At first I also wanted to have sub classes for different types of users. It turns out that the idea itself is a design flaw:

Don't use inheritance for defining roles!

More Information here Subtle design: inheritance vs roles

Think of an user as a big container which just harbors other entities like credentials, preferences, contacts, items, userinformation, etc.

With this in mind you can easily change certain abilities/behaviour of certain users,

Of course you can define a role many users can play. Users playing the same role will have the same features.

If you have many entities/objects depending on each other you shoukd think of a building mechanism/pattern that sets up a certain user role in a well defined way.

Some thoughts: A proper way for JPA entities instantiation

If you had a builder/factory for users, your other problem wouldn't be that complex anymore.

Example (really basic, do not expect too much!)

public void changeUserRoleToPermanent (User currentUser) {
    UserBuilder builder = new UserBuilder();
    builder.setRole(Role.PERMANENT); // builder internally does all the plumping
    // copy the stuff you want to keep
    // ... 
    User newRoleUser =;
    newRoleUser = entityManager.merge(newRoleUser);
    // delete old stuff
    entityManager.remove(currentUser.getAccountInfo()); // Changed to different implementaion...

I admit, it is some work but you will have many possibilities once you have the infrastructure ready! You can then "invent" new stuff really fast!

I hope I could spread some ideas. I'm sorry for my miserable english.


As I agree with prior comments that if it is possible you should reevaluate these entities, but if that is not possible I suggest that you return a general User from the database and then caste that user as either PermUser or TempUser which both would be extensions of User, based on the presence of certain criteria.


For part 2 of your problem:

You are using CascadeType.ALL for the favorites relation. This includes CascadeType.REMOVE, which means a remove operation on the user will cascade to that entity. So specify an array of CascadeType values that doesn't include CascadeType.REMOVE. See


What I am going to suggest might not be that OO but hope will be effective. I am happy to keep PermUser and TempUser separate do not extend it, not binding them into is-a relationship also. So I will have two separate tables in database one for TempUser and one for PermUser thereby treating them as two seperate entities. Many will find it to be redundant.. but read on... we all know.. sometimes redundancy is good.. So now...

1) I don't know when a TempUser would want to become PermUser. So I will always have all TempUsers in separate table.

2) What would I do if a user always wants to be TempUser..? I still have separate TempUser table to refer to..

3) I am assuming that when a TempUser wants to become a PermUser you are reading his TempUser name to get his records as TempUser.

So now your job is easy. So now when a TempUser want to become PermUser all you would do is copy TempUser objects,populate your required attributes and create a new PermUser object with it. After that you can keep your TempUser record if you want to or delete it.. :)

Also you would have a history how many of your TempUsers actually become permanent if you keep it and also know in what average time a TempUser becomes permanent.


I think you should do a manual deep clone. Not exactly a clone since you have to merge data from several tempUsers to a single permUser. You can use reflection and optionally annotations to automate the copy of information.

To automatically copy fields from an existing object to a new one you can follow this example. It is not a deep clone but may help you as starting point.

Class 'c' is used as reference. src and dest must be instances of 'c' or instance of subclases of 'c'. The method will copy the attributes defined in 'c' and superclasses of 'c'.

public static <E>  E copyObject(E dest, E src, Class<?> c) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException{
  // TODO: You may want to create new instance of 'dest' here instead of receiving one as parameter
    if (!c.isAssignableFrom(src.getClass())) 
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible classes: " + src.getClass() + " - " + c);
    if (!c.isAssignableFrom(dest.getClass())) 
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible classes: " + src.getClass() + " - " + c);
    while (c != null && c != Object.class) 
        for (Field aField: c.getDeclaredFields()) 
            // We skip static and final
            int modifiers = aField.getModifiers();
            if ( Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) 

            // We skip the fields annotated with @Generated and @GeneratedValue
            if (aField.getAnnotation(GeneratedValue.class) == null && 
                aField.getAnnotation(Generated.class) == null) 

                Object value = aField.get(src);
                if (aField.getType().isPrimitive() ||
                    String.class == aField.getType()    || 
                    Number.class.isAssignableFrom(aField.getType()) ||
                    Boolean.class == aField.getType()   ||
                        // TODO: You may want to recursive copy value too
                        aField.set(dest, value);
                    catch(Exception e)
        c = c.getSuperclass();  

    return dest;


Like some have already suggested I would tackle this problem using inheritance + either shallow copies (to share references) or deep cloning with libraries that let me exclude / manipulate the auto-generated ids (when you want to duplicate items).

Since you don't want to bend your database model too much, start with a Mapped Superclass with common attributes. This will not be reflected in your database at all. If you could I would go with Single Table Inheritance which maps close to your model (but may require some adjusts on the database layer).

public abstract class User {
    private long id;
    // Common properties and relationships...

Then have both PermUser and TempUser inherit from User, so that they will have a lot of common state:

public class PermUser extends User {
  // Specific properties

Now there are several possible approaches, if your classes don't have a lot of state, you can, for instance, make a constructor that builds a PermUser collecting data of a List of TempUsers.

Mock code:

public class PermUser extends User {
  public PermUser() {} // default constructor
  public PermUser(List<TempUser> userData) {
     final Set<Favorites> f = new LinkedHashSet<>();

     // don't set the id
     for(TempUser u : userData) { = u.getName();
        // Shallow copy that guarants uniqueness and insertion order
        // Favorite must override equals and hashCode
     this.favorites = new ArrayList<>(f);
     // Logic to conciliate dates

When you persist the PermUser it will generate a new id, cascaded unidirectional relationships should work fine.

On the other hand, if your class have a lot of attributes and relationships, plus there are a lot of situations in which you really need to duplicate objects, then you could use a Bean Mapping library such as Dozer (but be warned, cloning objects is a code smell).

Mapper mapper = new DozerBeanMapper();, user.getFavorites());

With dozer you can configure Mappings through annotations, API or XML do to such things as excluding fields, type casting, etc.

Mock mapping:


  <!-- common fields with the same name will be copied by convention-->

  <!-- exclude ids and fields exclusive to temp


You can, for example, exclude ids, or maybe copy to all of the cloned bidirectional relationships back to User (if there is one), etc.

Also, notice that cloning collections is a cumulative operation by default.

From Dozer documentation:

If you are mapping to a Class which has already been initialized, Dozer will either 'add' or 'update' objects to your List. If your List or Set already has objects in it dozer checks the mapped List, Set, or Array and calls the contains() method to determine if it needs to 'add' or 'update'.

I've used Dozer in several projects, for example, in one project there were a JAXB layer that needed to be mapped to a JPA model layer. They were close enough, but unfortunately I couldn't bend neither. Dozer worked quite well, was easy to learn and spare me from writing 70% of the boring code. I can deeply clone recommend this library out of personal experience.


From a pure OO perspective it does not really make sense for an instance to morph from one type into another, Hibernate or not. It sounds like you might want to reconsider the object model independently of its database representation. FourWD seems more like a property of a car than a specialization, for example.


A good way to model this is to create something like a UserData class such that TempUser has-a UserData and PermUser has-a UserData. You could also make TempUser has-a PermUser, though that's going to be less clear. If your application needs to use them interchangeably (something you'd get with the inheritance you were using), then both classes can implement an interface that returns the UserData (or in the second option, getPermUser, where PermUser returns itself).

If you really want to use inheritance, easiest might be to map it using the "Table per class hierarchy" and then using straight JDBC to update the discriminator column directly.

