I have this file types Filters:
public const string Png = "PNG Portable Network Graphics (*.png)|" + "*.png";
public const string Jpg = "JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg *.jpeg *jfif)|" + "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jfif";
public const string Bmp = "BMP Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|" + "*.bmp";
public const string Tif = "TIF Tagged Imaged File Format (*.tif *.tiff)|" + "*.tif;*.tiff";
public const string Gif = "GIF Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)|" + "*.gif";
public const string AllImages = "Image file|" + "*.png; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jfif; *.bmp;*.tif; *.tiff; *.gif";
public const string AllFiles = "All files (*.*)" + "|*.*";
static FilesFilters()
imagesTypes = new List<string>();
OBS: Is there any default filters in .NET or a free library for that?
I need a static method that checks if a string is an image or not. How would you solve this?
//ext == Path.GetExtension(yourpath)
public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
return (ext == ".bmp" || .... etc etc...)
Solution using Jeroen Vannevel EndsWith. I think it is ok.
public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
return imagesTypes.Contains(ext);
You could use .endsWith(ext)
. It's not a very secure method though: I could rename 'bla.jpg' to 'bla.png' and it would still be a jpg file.
public static bool HasImageExtension(this string source){
return (source.EndsWith(".png") || source.EndsWith(".jpg"));
This provides a more secure solution:
string InputSource = "mypic.png";
System.Drawing.Image imgInput = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(InputSource);
Graphics gInput = Graphics.fromimage(imgInput);
Imaging.ImageFormat thisFormat = imgInput.rawformat;
private static readonly string[] _validExtensions = {"jpg","bmp","gif","png"}; // etc
public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
return _validExtensions.Contains(ext.ToLower());
If you want to be able to make the list configurable at runtime without recompiling, add something like:
private static string[] _validExtensions;
private static string[] ValidExtensions()
// load from app.config, text file, DB, wherever
return _validExtensions
public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
return ValidExtensions().Contains(ext.ToLower());
This method automatically creates a filter for the OpenFileDialog
. It uses the informations of the image decoders supported by Windows. It also adds information of "unknown" image formats (see default
case of the switch
private static string SupportedImageDecodersFilter()
ImageCodecInfo[] encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
string allExtensions = encoders
.Select(enc => enc.FilenameExtension)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + ";" + next)
var sb = new StringBuilder(500)
.AppendFormat("Image files ({0})|{1}", allExtensions.Replace(";", ", "),
foreach (ImageCodecInfo encoder in encoders) {
string ext = encoder.FilenameExtension.ToLowerInvariant();
// ext = "*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle" descr = BMP
// ext = "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif" descr = JPEG
// ext = "*.gif" descr = GIF
// ext = "*.tif;*.tiff" descr = TIFF
// ext = "*.png" descr = PNG
string caption;
switch (encoder.FormatDescription) {
case "BMP":
caption = "Windows Bitmap";
case "JPEG":
caption = "JPEG file";
case "GIF":
caption = "Graphics Interchange Format";
case "TIFF":
caption = "Tagged Image File Format";
case "PNG":
caption = "Portable Network Graphics";
caption = encoder.FormatDescription;
sb.AppendFormat("|{0} ({1})|{2}", caption, ext.Replace(";", ", "), ext);
return sb.ToString();
Use it like this:
var dlg = new OpenFileDialog {
Filter = SupportedImageDecodersFilter(),
Multiselect = false,
Title = "Choose Image"
The code above (slightly modified) can be used to find available image file extensions. In order to test if a given file extension denotes an image, I would put the valid extension in a HashSet
. HashSets have an
O(1) access time! Make sure to choose a case insensitive string comparer. Since the file extensions do not contain accented or non Latin letters, the culture can safely be ignored. Therefore I use an ordinal string comparison.
var imageExtensions = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
And test if a filename is an image:
string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename);
bool isImage = imageExtensions.Contains(extension);
An option would be to have a list of all possible valid image extensions, then that method would only check if the supplied extension is within that collection:
private static readonly HashSet<string> validExtensions = new HashSet<string>()
// Other possible extensions
Then in the validation you just check against that:
public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
return validExtensions.Contains(ext);
I just had to do something similiar. Here is my solution:
private bool IsImage(string fileExtension)
return GetImageFileExtensions().Contains(fileExtension.ToLower()));
private static List<string> GetImageFileExtensions()
return ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()
.Select(c => c.FilenameExtension)
.SelectMany(e => e.Split(';'))
.Select(e => e.Replace("*", "").ToLower())