"id": "11882030_4952296803730",
"from": {
"name": "xxx",
"id": "11882030"
"message": "test",
"picture": "https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/408410_4952294483672_298434229_s.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4952294483672&set=pcb.4952296803730&type=1&relevant_count=2",
"icon": "https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yx/r/og8V99JVf8G.gif",
"actions": [
"name": "Comment",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/11882030/posts/4952296803730"
"name": "Like",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/11882030/posts/4952296803730"
"privacy": {
"description": "Friends",
"value": "ALL_FRIENDS",
"friends": "",
"networks": "",
"allow": "",
"deny": ""
"place": {
"id": "471607792876974",
"name": "TTT",
"location": {
"street": "",
"zip": "",
"latitude": x,
"longitude": x
"type": "photo",
"status_type": "mobile_status_update",
"object_id": "4952294483672",
"application": {
"name": "Facebook for iPhone",
"namespace": "fbiphone",
"id": "6628568379"
"created_time": "2013-01-17T01:29:59+0000",
"updated_time": "2013-01-17T01:29:59+0000",
"comments": {
"count": 0
As above, I posted a status with two photos. I can get the first photo's thumb URL in picture
and the relevant link & count information in link
But how can I get each photo's specific URL?
FQL often provides more information than Graph API. You have to use the attachment
parameter of the stream
FQL table to get all the attached photos.
SELECT attachment FROM stream
WHERE source_id = me()
AND post_id="11882030_4952296803730"
"data": [
"attachment": {
"media": [
"href": "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=471082296...",
"alt": "",
"type": "photo",
"src": "https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/5826...",
"photo": {
"aid": "4391039135",
"pid": "439104482145",
"fbid": 471507,
"owner": 102832,
"index": 1,
"width": 485,
"height": 172,
"images": [
"src": "https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hph...",
"width": 130,
"height": 46
"name": "",
"caption": "",
"description": "",
"properties": [
"icon": "https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.phpjk.gif",
"fb_object_type": "album",
"fb_object_id": "4391044992857139135"
... //Photo 2
Based on Stéphane Bruckerts answer; you're after attachments
. So I'd recommend simply requesting the attachments
field in your graph request.