I've written a function to grab and parse news data from Google for a given stock symbol, but I'm sure there are ways it could be improved. For starters, my function returns an object in the GMT timezone, rather than the user's current timezone, and it fails if passed a number greater than 299 (probably because google only returns 300 stories per stock). This is somewhat in response to my own question on stack overflow, and relies heavily on this blog post.
tl;dr: how can I improve this function?
getNews <- function(symbol, number){
# Warn about length
if (number>300) {
warning("May only get 300 stories from google")
# load libraries
require(XML); require(plyr); require(stringr); require(lubridate);
require(xts); require(RDSTK)
# construct url to news feed rss and encode it correctly
url.b1 = 'http://www.google.com/finance/company_news?q='
url = paste(url.b1, symbol, '&output=rss', "&start=", 1,
"&num=", number, sep = '')
url = URLencode(url)
# parse xml tree, get item nodes, extract data and return data frame
doc = xmlTreeParse(url, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
nodes = getNodeSet(doc, "//item")
mydf = ldply(nodes, as.data.frame(xmlToList))
# clean up names of data frame
names(mydf) = str_replace_all(names(mydf), "value\\.", "")
# convert pubDate to date-time object and convert time zone
pubDate = strptime(mydf$pubDate,
format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', tz = 'GMT')
pubDate = with_tz(pubDate, tz = 'America/New_york')
mydf$pubDate = NULL
#Parse the description field
mydf$description <- as.character(mydf$description)
parseDescription <- function(x) {
out <- html2text(x)$text
out <- strsplit(out,'\n|--')[[1]]
#Find Lead
TextLength <- sapply(out,nchar)
Lead <- out[TextLength==max(TextLength)]
#Find Site
Site <- out[3]
#Return cleaned fields
out <- c(Site,Lead)
names(out) <- c('Site','Lead')
description <- lapply(mydf$description,parseDescription)
description <- do.call(rbind,description)
mydf <- cbind(mydf,description)
#Format as XTS object
mydf = xts(mydf,order.by=pubDate)
# drop Extra attributes that we don't use yet
mydf$guid.text = mydf$guid..attrs = mydf$description = mydf$link = NULL
Here is a shorter (and probably more efficient) version of your getNews
getNews2 <- function(symbol, number){
# load libraries
require(XML); require(plyr); require(stringr); require(lubridate);
# construct url to news feed rss and encode it correctly
url.b1 = 'http://www.google.com/finance/company_news?q='
url = paste(url.b1, symbol, '&output=rss', "&start=", 1,
"&num=", number, sep = '')
url = URLencode(url)
# parse xml tree, get item nodes, extract data and return data frame
doc = xmlTreeParse(url, useInternalNodes = T);
nodes = getNodeSet(doc, "//item");
mydf = ldply(nodes, as.data.frame(xmlToList))
# clean up names of data frame
names(mydf) = str_replace_all(names(mydf), "value\\.", "")
# convert pubDate to date-time object and convert time zone
mydf$pubDate = strptime(mydf$pubDate,
format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', tz = 'GMT')
mydf$pubDate = with_tz(mydf$pubDate, tz = 'America/New_york')
# drop guid.text and guid..attrs
mydf$guid.text = mydf$guid..attrs = NULL
Moreover, there might be a bug in your code, as I tried using it for symbol = 'WMT'
and it returned an error. I think getNews2
works fine for WMT too. Check it out and let me know if it works for you.
PS. The description
column still contains html code. But it should be easy to extract the text from it. I will post an update when I find time