How can I embed django csrf token straight into HTML?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-20 09:12:47


within my django app I am storing strings of html in the db that will then be displayed on the users' home pages as "messages". Some of these messages contain forms, but not being written in the template language, I am not able to insert the csrf token (thus breaking the app).

Is there a way to insert this token directly from within the python files i'm editing? i'm looking for something along the lines of:

csrf_token = django.csrf.generate()
message = "press the button please: <form><input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value='%s'><input type='submit' value='press here'></form>" % (csrf_token)

any other solution that would work in a similar scenario would be great. Thanks

Edit: Actually that's not going to work because the token is different for each session, so storing it in the db is not very useful. is there a way to dynamically load the token within the view?


Call django.middleware.csrf.get_token(request) to get the CSRF token.


The way to use it, is to use it directly in the templates.

From the documentation,:

<form action="" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}

is all you have to include.


The accepted answer assumes that token is already set in the request object.

Maybe something like this is better:

from django.middleware import csrf
def get_or_create_csrf_token(request):
    token = request.META.get('CSRF_COOKIE', None)
    if token is None:
        token = csrf._get_new_csrf_key()
        request.META['CSRF_COOKIE'] = token
    request.META['CSRF_COOKIE_USED'] = True
    return token

