I'm currently trying to shift a BitArray while keeping its length. Since there's no built-in method I'm struggling to build one but can't make it work, unfortunatly.
My initial BitArray code sets a length of 421 for the BitArray.
var b = new BitArray(length: 421);
Than, I'm assigning some values for testing. For instance: b.Set(0, true); b.Set(1, true);
However, I can't figure out how to shift the bit array. Attempts: - I thought that I could convert it into long and than make the bit manipulation. However, long does not match my exact BitArray length, which results in errors later on when I apply bitwise operations on two BitArrays (my full requirements is (array1 |= array2 >> 20). - I tried to convert the BitArray into byte[], do the manipulation and return it (see Bit shifting N bits):
public static byte[] ToBytesArray(this BitArray array, int startIndex, int count)
// Get the size of bytes needed to store all bytes
int bytesize = count / ByteLength;
// Any bit left over another byte is necessary
if (count % ByteLength > 0)
// For the result
byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesize];
// Must init to good value, all zero bit byte has value zero
// Lowest significant bit has a place value of 1, each position to
// to the left doubles the value
byte value = 0;
byte significance = 1;
int bytepos = 0;
int bitpos = startIndex;
while (bitpos - startIndex < count)
// If the bit is set add its value to the byte
if (array[bitpos])
value += significance;
if (bitpos % ByteLength == 0)
// A full byte has been processed, store it
// increase output buffer index and reset work values
bytes[bytepos] = value;
value = 0;
significance = 1;
// Another bit processed, next has doubled value
significance *= 2;
return bytes;
public static BitArray ShiftLeft(this BitArray array, int bitcount)
byte[] value = array.ToBytesArray();
byte[] temp = new byte[value.Length];
if (bitcount >= 8)
Array.Copy(value, bitcount / 8, temp, 0, temp.Length - (bitcount / 8));
Array.Copy(value, temp, temp.Length);
if (bitcount % 8 != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
temp[i] <<= bitcount % 8;
if (i < temp.Length - 1)
temp[i] |= (byte)(temp[i + 1] >> 8 - bitcount % 8);
return new BitArray(temp);
However, byte's length is 8, which can't fit well with my length too. The result is 416 or 424 (another byte) instead of 421.
Finally, I tried the "primitive" way:
for (int i = 0; i < bitcount; i++) { var lastValue = array[0]; for (var j = 0; j < array.Length - 1; j++) { array[j] = array[j + 1]; } array[array.Length - 1] = lastValue; }
I also check up SO (e.g. BitArray - Shift bits) but nothing worked for me.
Any help will be very appreciated!
Still not 100% sure what's the issue. Here's a naive implementation:
void Main()
// Creates and initializes a BitArrays of size 7 (you have 421).
bool[] myBools = new bool[7] { true,false,false,true,true,false,true };
BitArray myBA1 = new BitArray(myBools );
PrintBitArray(myBA1); // 1001101
PrintBitArray(ShiftRight(myBA1)); // 0100110
PrintBitArray(ShiftLeft (myBA1)); // 0011010
BitArray ShiftRight(BitArray aSource) {
bool[] new_arr = new bool[( aSource.Count)];
for (int i = 0; i < aSource.Count -1; i++)
new_arr[i+1] = aSource[i];
return new BitArray(new_arr);
BitArray ShiftLeft(BitArray aSource) {
bool[] new_arr = new bool[( aSource.Count)];
for (int i = 0; i < aSource.Count -1; i++)
new_arr[i] = aSource[i+1];
return new BitArray(new_arr);
string PrintBitArray(BitArray aSource) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var bit in aSource)
sb.Append( (bool)bit ? 1 : 0 );
return sb.ToString();
Note how bits are copied in the loops, and that the third PrintBitArray
is done on the original input, not on the outcome of the second.
public static bool[] Left_shiftBitArray(bool[] Array, int count)
Array = BitArray_LRotat(Array, count);
for (int i=Array.GetLength(0)-1; i>=(Array.GetLength(0)-count); i--)
Array[i] = false;
return Array;
public static bool[] BitArray_LRotat(bool[] input, int x)
//bool [] temp= new bool[input.Length];
bool[] final = new bool[input.Length];
for (int i = input.Length; i > x; i--)
final[i - x - 1] = input[i - 1];
for (int i = x; i > 0; i--)
final[(input.Length) - i] = input[x - i];
return final;