I am brand new to R. I need to plot a pie graph. Now I have tried my best but it's not generating a pie chart for me. Below is my code.
socialIssue <- matrix(c(245,112,153,71,133,306),ncol=1,byrow=T)
rownames(socialIssue) <- c("Housing","Transportation","Health Care","Education","Food","Other")
colnames(socialIssue) <- c("Frequency")
socialIssue <- as.table(socialIssue)
cols <- rainbow(nrow(socialIssue))
pie(socialIssue$Frequency, labels=paste0(round(socialIssue$Frequency/sum(socialIssue$Frequency)*100,2),"%"),colnames=cols)
This is the following output. The frequency outputted is correct.
socialIssue <- matrix(c(245,112,153,71,133,306),ncol=1,byrow=T)
> rownames(socialIssue) <- c("Housing","Transportation","Health Care","Education","Food","Other")
> colnames(socialIssue) <- c("Frequency")
> socialIssue <- as.table(socialIssue)
> socialIssue/sum(socialIssue)
Housing 0.24019608
Transportation 0.10980392
Health Care 0.15000000
Education 0.06960784
Food 0.13039216
Other 0.30000000
> cols <- rainbow(nrow(socialIssue))
> pie(socialIssue$Frequency, labels=paste0(round(socialIssue$Frequency/sum(socialIssue$Frequency)*100,2),"%"),colnames=cols)
Error in socialIssue$Frequency : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Convert to dataframe and then plot
socialIssue = as.data.frame(socialIssue)
socialIssue$percent = round(100*socialIssue$Freq/sum(socialIssue$Freq), digits = 1)
socialIssue$label = paste(socialIssue$Var1," (", socialIssue$percent,"%)", sep = "")
pie(socialIssue$Freq, labels = socialIssue$label, col = cols)
This does it:
pie(socialIssue[, 1],
labels = paste0(round(socialIssue[, 1] / sum(socialIssue[, 1]) * 100, 2), "%"))
Because you have a matrix, not a data frame.
takes care of the %
calculation - sprintf
deals with the formatting of the number values so you have consistent decimal places.
All of the conversion code isn't required either:
socialIssue <- matrix(c(245,112,153,71,133,306),ncol=1,byrow=T)
pie(socialIssue, labels=sprintf("%.2f%%", prop.table(socialIssue)*100))
With base R, with the colors you used (the param name should be cols
instead of `colnames'), with legends added:
pie(socialIssue[,1], labels=paste0(round(socialIssue/sum(socialIssue)*100,2),"%"),col=cols)
legend('bottomright', legend=rownames(socialIssue), fill=cols, bty='n')
or with ggplot2
socialIssue <- matrix(c(245,112,153,71,133,306),ncol=1,byrow=T)
rownames(socialIssue) <- c("Housing","Transportation","Health Care","Education","Food","Other")
colnames(socialIssue) <- c("Frequency")
ggplot(as.data.frame(socialIssue), aes(x='',y=Frequency, fill=as.factor(Frequency))) +
geom_bar(width=1, stat='identity') +
scale_fill_manual(values=cols, labels=rownames(socialIssue)) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
coord_polar(theta = "y") + theme_bw()