Currently I'm accessing JIRA API in C#.Net application with username and password. But I need to access the JIRA API without entering a username and a password even without hashed username and passwords. Is there any way to create an API key and access JIRA API with that?
Yes, JIRA supports OAuth for that purpose, see: https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/JIRA+REST+API+Example+-+OAuth+authentication
Unfortunately there's no C# sample code provided, but you should be able to assemble a solution from the other programming languages here: https://bitbucket.org/atlassian_tutorial/atlassian-oauth-examples/src
You should use a generic OAuth library anyhow.
Oauth is great for when you need the actual user to log in and you are in the context of a browser.
However, for server-to-server communication that is not linked to any specific user (e.g. CI) you may want to create a "bot" account on your jira server and authenticate with API tokens. Creation of tokens is described here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html
Then you can use [user-email]:[auth-token] as user/password to basic auth. Examples:
curl -u bot@company.com:AAABBBCCC https://[company].atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/issue/DEV-123
NodeJS got:
const issueContent = await gotService.get(
auth: 'bot@company.com:AAABBBCCC'