I realize that TeamCity must be a bridge between YouTrack and SVN, but I need none of the Teamcity functionality. I just want to issue Youtrack commands via commit comments like here:
i.e. a commit message
test #ld-1 fixed
Would mark the issue ld-1 as fixed.
I'm sure I set up youtrack, teamcity and svn correctly, however what I came to realize is that I need to make a build step in TeamCity that will be executed after a commit for it to work (am I correct?). Is there a way to bypass it completely or make the build not do anything, I just can't find a way.
I'm tearing my hair out, guys, please help me out. Again, I only need teamcity to bridge svn to youtrack. What must I do?
You are correct assuming that TeamCity must be a bridge. In TeamCity you have to create at least one build configuration. It does not have to do anything. After that you need to check TeamCity-SVN connection works fine: just make sure TeamCity lists your commits.
After you are done, setup YouTrack-TeamCity integration. Please also be aware of requirements related to permissions of TeamCity user which integration runs on behalf of. Please find more details here: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/JT-8233#comment=27-230640.
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