I want to open a new window using:
window.open('<myfile>.pdf','my window','resizable,scrollbars');
The new window opens, but I do not get the title of the window as 'my window'. What could be going wrong?
If domain is same then you can change the title of new window
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = window.open('http://localhost:4885/UMS2/Default.aspx');
w.document.title = 'testing';
Here is my solution, please check this out:
var myWindow = window.open('<myfile>.pdf','my window','resizable,scrollbars');
myWindow.document.write('<title>My PDF File Title</title>');
Hope I could help.
This is what I did:
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenWindow() {
var pdf = '<%= "PDFs/13.7/" + ddlLinkValidation.SelectedValue.ToString() + ".pdf" %>';
var win = window.open('','UATRpt', 'menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0,resizable=1,status=1,scrollbars=1');
if(win.document) {
win.document.write('<html><head><title>Your Report Title</title></head><body height="100%" width="100%"><iframe src="' + pdf + '" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe></body></html>');
return true;
in HTML body <U><A style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="OpenWindow()">Open in New Window</a></U>
The JavaScript "title" argument is a variable to be used inside of JavaScript. The actual title written in the top of the window normally comes from the HTML <title>
tag, but you don't have that since you're showing a PDF.
If the new window has a file (PDF for example) as an url, it’s possible that the page has no "head" tag.
You have to add one before to modify / add the title.
jQuery :
var w = window.open('/path/to/your/file.pdf');// or any url
$(w.document).find('html').append('<head><title>your title</title></head>');
Native js :
var w = window.open('/path/to/your/file.pdf');// or any url
.appendChild(document.createTextNode('your title'));
Now if the page is long to load, you may add a onload watch, then also a timeout. In my case, I had to code like that :
var w = window.open('/path/to/your/file.pdf');// or any url
w.onload = function(){
$(w.document).find('html').append('<head><title>your title</title></head>');
}, 500);
} // quite ugly hu !? but it works for me.
To change title of pdf in newly opened window
function titlepath(path,name){
//In this path defined as your pdf url and name (your pdf name)
var prntWin = window.open();
+ '<embed width="100%" height="100%" name="plugin" src="'+ path+ '" '
+ 'type="application/pdf" internalinstanceid="21"></body></html>');
<a onclick="titlepath('your url','what title you want')">pdf</a>
The only way it worked in my case was using setTimeout like this:
var mapWin = window.open('', '_blank', ''); // Opens a popup
setWindowTitle(mapWin) // Starts checking
function setWindowTitle(mapWin)
if(mapWin.document) // If loaded
mapWin.document.title = "Oil Field Map";
else // If not loaded yet
setTimeout(setWindowTitle, 10); // Recheck again every 10 ms
Below code works to me on Mozilla Firefox, IE 11 and Google Chrome.
var winUrl = 'target URL that needs to open in new window';
var _newWindow = window.open(winUrl, "_newWindow");
_newWindow.document.title = "My New Title";
var myWindow = window.open('', '', 'width=600,height=400');
setTimeout(function(){ myWindow.document.title = 'my new title'; }, 1000);
works chrome 2018
You can try to capture window.onload
event for that show as below:
var w = window.open('https://your_website_url');
var title = 'Your Custom Title';
w.onload = function(){
w.document.title = title;