I'm developing a python script that will upload files to a specific folder in my drive, as I come to notice, the drive api provides an excellent implementation for that, but I did encountered one problem, how do I delete multiple files at once?
I tried grabbing the files I want from the drive and organize their Id's but no luck there... (a snippet below)
dir_id = "my folder Id"
file_id = "avoid deleting this file"
dFiles = []
query = ""
#will return a list of all the files in the folder
children = service.files().list(q="'"+dir_id+"' in parents").execute()
for i in children["items"]:
print "appending "+i["title"]
if i["id"] != file_id:
#two format options I tried..
dFiles.append(i["id"]) # will show as array of id's ["id1","id2"...]
query +=i["id"]+", " #will show in this format "id1, id2,..."
query = query[:-2] #to remove the finished ',' in the string
#tried both the query and str(dFiles) as arg but no luck...
Is it possible to delete selected files (I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, after all, it's a basic operation)?
Thanks in advance!
You can batch multiple Drive API requests together. Something like this should work using the Python API Client Library:
def delete_file(request_id, response, exception):
if exception is not None:
# Do something with the exception
# Do something with the response
batch = service.new_batch_http_request(callback=delete_file)
for file in children["items"]:
If you delete
or trash
a folder, it will recursively delete/trash all of the files contained in that folder. Therefore, your code can be vastly simplified:
dir_id = "my folder Id"
file_id = "avoid deleting this file"
service.files().update(fileId=file_id, addParents="root", removeParents=dir_id).execute()
This will first move the file you want to keep out of the folder (and into "My Drive") and then delete the folder.
Beware: if you call delete()
instead of trash()
, the folder and all the files within it will be permanently deleted and there is no way to recover them! So be very careful when using this method with a folder...
Files: delete Permanently deletes a file by ID.
fileId The ID of the file to delete.
File.delete deletes a file as in one file at a time if you want to delete more then one you have to send a call for each file you want to delete