read streams line by line

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-19 09:09:19


Is there a way in Delphi to read streams ,line by line?

Is there a way to set the encoding of the stream?

I know of


How to get it from stream?


I think you're looking for TStreamReader. You set the encoding in the constructor and then call ReadLine.

In terms of how to get the encoding from the stream, that depends very much on what is in the stream, doesn't it?


Delphi versions that lack TStreamReader can use Peter Below's StreamIO unit, which gives you AssignStream. It works just like AssignFile, but for streams instead of file names. Once you've used that function to associate a stream with a TextFile variable, you can call ReadLn and the other I/O functions on it just like any other file.

