There's been a change in Swift 3 for Xcode 8 beta 6 and now I'm not able to declare my operator for power as I did before:
infix operator ^^ { }
public func ^^ (radix: Double, power: Double) -> Double {
return pow((radix), (power))
I've read a bit about it and there's a new change been introduced in Xcode 8 beta 6
From this I'm guessing I have to declare a precedence group and use it for my operator like this:
precedencegroup ExponentiativePrecedence {}
infix operator ^^: ExponentiativePrecedence
public func ^^ (radix: Double, power: Double) -> Double {
return pow((radix), (power))
Am I going in the right direction to make this work? What should I put inside the {} of the precedence group?
My final aim is to be able to make power operations with a simple operator in swift, e.g.:
10 ^^ -12
10 ^^ -24
Your code already compiles and runs – you don't need to define a precedence relationship or an associativity if you're simply using the operator in isolation, such as in the example you gave:
10 ^^ -12
10 ^^ -24
However, if you want to work with other operators, as well as chaining together multiple exponents, you'll want to define a precedence relationship that's higher than the MultiplicationPrecedence
and a right associativity.
precedencegroup ExponentiativePrecedence {
associativity: right
higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence
Therefore the following expression:
let x = 2 + 10 * 5 ^^ 2 ^^ 3
will be evaluated as:
let x = 2 + (10 * (5 ^^ (2 ^^ 3)))
// ^^ ^^ ^^--- Right associativity
// || \--------- ExponentiativePrecedence > MultiplicationPrecedence
// \--------------- MultiplicationPrecedence > AdditionPrecedence,
// as defined by the standard library
The full list of standard library precedence groups is available on the evolution proposal.