I want to separate EF layer from my model .
I need a EF Builder to send my model to it like this(I found this code for mongodb but i need for EF core) :
The above code is inside startup file .
I pass the parameters from applicationsetting.json
file as you can see :
"mongo": {
"connectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"database": "customers-service",
"seed": false
Here is the mongo sample code :
public static class Extensions
public static void AddMongo(this ContainerBuilder builder)
builder.Register(context =>
var configuration = context.Resolve<IConfiguration>();
var options = configuration.GetOptions<MongoDbOptions>("mongo");
return options;
builder.Register(context =>
var options = context.Resolve<MongoDbOptions>();
return new MongoClient(options.ConnectionString);
builder.Register(context =>
var options = context.Resolve<MongoDbOptions>();
var client = context.Resolve<MongoClient>();
return client.GetDatabase(options.Database);
public static void AddMongoRepository<TEntity>(this ContainerBuilder builder, string collectionName)
where TEntity : IIdentifiable
=> builder.Register(ctx => new EFRepository<TEntity>(ctx.Resolve<IMongoDatabase>(), collectionName))
My question is :is there any solution for EF like mongo ?
Every part of code for mongoDb is available.
First of all, I believe there is a little confusion :
- MongoDB is a database
- Entity Core is an ORM. It allows you to access to data in a storage
That said, you can use EF Core with several data storages, such as MongoDB or SQL Server for instance.
To want a separated layer between your entities (Data Access Layer) and your business model is a good practice, and should be encouraged.
Because the topic is wide, and because lot of documentations and tutorials exists and the subject, I prefer to give you some links rather than to give you a complete architecture.
You can check this documentation from Microsoft to see the related layers, and what they should contains.
Also, I advise you to consult this github repo, which provide tons of clean architectures based on .net core.
Feel free to dig a bit into those links, they are providing a lot of precious informations.
Hope it helps.