I have a boolean property Settings.Default.MarkAsRead
in the Setting.settings file, which I can access in my Ribbon class. What I'd like to do is set the value of a check box in my backstage section depending on the value of this property. Also if the user modifies it, I'll need to save the new value.
Any way I can do this?
This is my (simplified) xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<customUI onLoad="Ribbon_Load"
<tab id="MyBackstageSection" label="MyBackstageSection"
columnWidthPercent="30" insertAfterMso="TabInfo" visible="true" >
<group id="grpOne" label="Configuration">
<checkBox id="markAsRead" label="Mark as read"
getPressed="markAsRead_GetPressed" />
<button id="save" label="Save Preferences" onAction="save_Click"/>
I didn't find a way to access the xml elements from the Ribbon_Load
method, so I've created a boolean property in the ribbon class that I update using the GetPressed
and OnAction
<checkBox id="markAsRead" label="Mark as read"
onAction="markAsRead_OnAction" getPressed="markAsRead_GetPressed"/>
private bool MarkAsRead { get; set; }
public bool markAsRead_GetPressed(Office.IRibbonControl control)
this.MarkAsRead = Settings.Default.MarkAsRead;
return this.MarkAsRead;
public void markAsRead_OnAction(Office.IRibbonControl control, bool isPressed)
this.MarkAsRead = isPressed;