I am running a self-hosted NancyFX web server inside of my application. Right now I have one module hosted:
public class MetricsModule : NancyModule
private IStorageEngine _storageEngine;
public MetricsModule(IStorageEngine storageEngine) : base("/metrics")
_storageEngine = storageEngine;
Get["/list"] = parameters =>
var metrics = _storageEngine.GetKnownMetrics();
return Response.AsJson(metrics.ToArray());
Get["/query"] = parameters =>
var rawStart = parameters.start;
var rawEnd = parameters.end;
var metrics = parameters.metrics;
return Response.AsJson(0);
My Bootstrapper class is:
public class OverlookBootStrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
private readonly IStorageEngine _storageEngine;
public OverlookBootStrapper(IStorageEngine storageEngine)
_storageEngine = storageEngine;
protected override void ConfigureApplicationContainer(TinyIoCContainer container)
I am trying to test it with the following test:
public void Init()
_storageEngine = new Mock<IStorageEngine>();
var bootstrapper = new OverlookBootStrapper(_storageEngine.Object);
_browser = new Browser(bootstrapper);
public void Query_Builds_Correct_Query_From_Parameters()
var metric = new Metric("device", "category", "name", "suffix");
var startDate = DateTime.Now;
var endDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);
var path = "/metrics/query";
var response = _browser.Get(path, with =>
with.Query("start", startDate.ToString());
with.Query("end", endDate.ToString());
with.Query("metrics", metric.ToParsableString());
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode, "Incorrect status code returned");
_storageEngine.Verify(x => x.ExecuteQuery(It.Is<Query>(y => y.StartDate == startDate)), Times.Once());
_storageEngine.Verify(x => x.ExecuteQuery(It.Is<Query>(y => y.EndDate == endDate)), Times.Once());
_storageEngine.Verify(x => x.ExecuteQuery(It.Is<Query>(y => y.Metrics.Contains(metric))), Times.Once());
When this test is debugged and a breakpoint is put on return Response.AsJson(0);
, I inspected the parameters object and noticed that parameters.Count
is zero, and all 3 values are null.
What am I doing incorrectly?
Edit: When I bring up this endpoint in the web browser, the same issue occurs. I get a result of 0 sent back to my browser, but when debugging I see that no query string parameters I specify have been recognized by NancyFX.
The parameters
argument to your lambda contains the route parameters you captured in the in your Get["/query"]
. In this case nothing. See @thecodejunkie's comment for an example where there is something.
To get to the query paramters use Request.Query
. That's also a dynamic and will contain whatever query parameters was in the request. Like so:
Get["/query"] = parameters =>
var rawStart = Request.Query.start;
var rawEnd = Request.Query.end;
var metrics = Request.Query.metrics;
return Response.AsJson(0);
This should work with your tests too.
You can let NancyFx's model binding take care of the url query string.
public class RequestObject
public string Start { get; set; }
public string End { get; set; }
public string Metrics { get; set; }
Get["/query"] = x =>
var request = this.Bind<RequestObject>();