I was experimenting with how a custom keyboard affects my app. I installed Swype on my iPhone 6.
I find that in some of my views where I have custom inputView property set on a text field, the Swype keyboard is overriding and presenting instead of my picker. This completely breaks my UI and cannot be allowed.
Is there a way to explicitly tell iOS 8 only to use the inputView I have set?
Is this a bug, perhaps? It is not at all expected behavior to allow a third party to override my input spec?
Using the answer from Pablo Ezequiel Romero as a starting point, I was able to get things to work for me. Essentially, rather than using a UIViewController
for the custom keyboard, use a UIInputViewController
and put your controls inside the UIInputViewController
's inputView
. Then, assign the inputView
of your UITextField
or UITextView
to the inputView
of the UIInputViewController
If you're using auto layout, you need to make sure that you set everything properly and make sure to set an initial height constraint on the inputView and set its priority below the max 999 level (I used 800). Any height will do; the system will replace your constraint with one of its own. The lower priority avoids auto layout conflicts. (For me, if I didn't include this constraint, the final view wouldn't have any height at all.)
When I did all this, I was able to switch in and out of my (internal to the app) custom keyboard and any third-party keyboard extension.
You can disable custom keyboard for your app with the following code:
include this in your app delegate:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application shouldAllowExtensionPointIdentifier:(NSString *)extensionPointIdentifier {
if ([extensionPointIdentifier isEqualToString: UIApplicationKeyboardExtensionPointIdentifier]) {
return NO;
return YES;
I had a similar issue and I was able to fix it using UIInputViewController. Basically the view that I set in inputView is the view of my UIInputViewController subclass. I was using UIViewController, but after replacing the base view controller it started to work well.
Swift 4
func application(_ application: UIApplication, shouldAllowExtensionPointIdentifier extensionPointIdentifier: UIApplicationExtensionPointIdentifier) -> Bool {
if (extensionPointIdentifier == .keyboard) {
return false
return true