How might I parse and process JSON that already lives inside a data frame?
Sample data:
df <- data.frame(
id = c("x1", "x2"),
y = c('[{"Property":"94","Value":"Error"},{"Property":"C1","Value":"Found Match"},{"Property":"C2","Value":"Address Mismatch"}]', '[{"Property":"81","Value":"XYZ"},{"Property":"D1","Value":"Blah Blah"},{"Property":"Z2","Value":"Email Mismatch"}]')
I want to extract, format and separate the raw JSON in column y
into orderly columns, ideally with library(jsonlite)
Thanks in advance!
Using jsonlite
and the tidyverse:
df %>% mutate(y = map(y, ~fromJSON(as.character(.x)))) %>% unnest()
# Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
# id Property Value
# <fctr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 x1 94 Error
# 2 x1 C1 Found Match
# 3 x1 C2 Address Mismatch
# 4 x2 81 XYZ
# 5 x2 D1 Blah Blah
# 6 x2 Z2 Email Mismatch
or without purrr
df %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(y = list(fromJSON(as.character(y)))) %>% unnest()
or with just dplyr
and jsonlite
df %>% rowwise() %>% do(data.frame(id = .$id, fromJSON(as.character(.$y))))
or with just base R and jsonlite
Map(function(id, y){data.frame(id, fromJSON(as.character(y)))},
df$id, df$y))
All return the same thing, so pick which makes the most sense to you.