How to import vendor files in CakePHP 3x

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-18 12:56:09


I'm working with CakePHP 3(beta 2) version recently launched. I need to integrate Facebook Login using PHP SDKs and I'm not clear with importing vendor files in this version.
In CakePHP 2x, I had used

App::import('Vendor', 'Facebook', array('file' => 'Facebook' . DS . 'src'. DS. 'facebook.php'));

So I need to reproduce the same in CakePHP 3x(I'm not using composer).
Any reference for this?


Well you will have to load it yourself if composer is not an option. You can always use the very basic require method and create a new instance of the vendor class yourself. Reference:


 //The following line should do the same like App::import() in the older version of cakePHP
 require_once(ROOT . 'vendor' . DS  . 'Facebook' . DS . 'src' . DS . 'facebook.php');

 $facebookApi = new facebook();


In cakephp3 , to add a new vendor library you can follow below steps :

  1. Place library folder under your_project/vendor/
  2. include library file using require_once(ROOT . DS . 'vendor' . DS . "my_library_folder" . DS . "my_library_base_class.php") ,this includes the library code file in our code.
  3. Include class name in top of Controller like :

namespace App\Controller; use MyLibraryBaseClass; ,

this imports the library code file in our namespace to be used.

  1. create object of loaded class as

    $my_obj= new MyLibraryBaseClass();


the answer provided by Ayman B. does not look like doing the job as expected in the question after i tried it myself , for the following reasons :

  • the vendor folder in cakephp3 is not located in src folder under APP namespace , it is moved to the ROOT folder , by doing you will not be able to load your Facebook class as expected , try it yourself and you will see the result ...
  • By loading a vendor file this is does not automatically load the class name itself , if your vendor lib does not follows the follwing rule as PSR-0 rule : \VENDOR\PACKAGE\TEST.CLASS.PHP and inside the test.class.php there is not a class definition that must be called or imported in your script with a defined namespace keyword in the begining of this script as follows : namespace then the code above will not work

To correct the answer you have to do some several steps as follows :

1 - Define in bootstrap.php a new cakephp constant like so : define('VENDOR',ROOT . DS . 'vendor' .DS); as VENDOR constante is removed in cakephp 3.x you can define it yourself 2 - After that , you have to specify the vendor name , the package name and the class name in a vendor constante like : define('_',; and then you can do $facebookApi = new \\();

this is will work for you as expected in the question

If you have issues try to get back to me , i will show you an example of use as described here ...


I also had the same problem with CakePHP 3.0.

Do the installation as instructed using Composer.

Then You have to properly load the plugin in your controller with the use statement. Like this:

use Ghunti\HighchartsPHP\Highchart;

  • If you're using the plugin in most of the pages, instead of loading in each Controller, you can add the same line in your bootstrap.php file, right below the other use statements.

That will solve the problem of using the plugin.


As of CakePhp 3.x, the recommended code standard is to use require_once without the brackets"()".



require_once ROOT.'Folder'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'';

Hope that helps someone in the future.

