English Error Messages in German Visual Studio 2008 / ASP.NET

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-18 12:28:22


This might be a bit weird question, but I'll give it a shot:

HELP, my Visual Studio 2008 / ASP.NET is giving me GERMAN error messages. Besides the fact that translations tend to be not as good as the original text, I can't search for those and find relevant answers to my problems on the internet.

So: How do I switch my German Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition to English locals?

Update - Just to make it clear:

I am a German developer, working with a German Windows Vista... I also have a German version of Visual Studio, so it is not surprising, that everything is German. Is just don't want it that way... There must be a way to install english locals into my Visual Studio, though? Or uninstall german ones, so that default english is used?!?

(BTW: Same thing for SQL Server Management Studio, too. F**k "Sichten". I want "Views". That's how you really call them. No one says "Sichten", not even here in Germany, and not even though it is translated correctly).


Go to the Control Panel -> Software. There are language packs for .NET (for each version one). Uninstall them.


You have to switch the user interface language (UI Language) to en-US via Web.Config. This will make sure they are in English.


Check your system-wide language preferences - 'Regional and Language Options' in WinXP Control Panel. I have found when using VS that my keyboard would go from UK to US mode or even French because the SHIFT + ALT + F10 keystroke is used by VS for showing some context menus and it is also used by Windows as the keystroke for changing system language.

UPDATE: Check your system-wide language preferences. If necessary install a language pack, though I can't find any on MS Download Center. Otherwise install an English language verison. I am about to download VS 2008 C# Express and I have the option of English, Chinese, French, German, etc.

