Extract GET URIs or their responses from Wireshark capture to separate file(s)

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-27 06:27:55



I use Wireshark to capture a HTTP video stream and I've use the following filter to filter out the relevant GET requests.

http.request.uri contains "identifier" && http.request.method == "GET" && ip.addr == xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


  1. Is it possible to extract all get GET URLs to separate a .txt file?

  2. Or is possible to extract the raw response packets (without the header) which match the filter above to separate files so that I have a bunch of individual video files eventually?

I hope I made myself clear enough ;-)

Thank you


While this may be doable with Wireshark, it is orders of magnitude easier with Bro.

Extracting URIs

Simply run it with your trace file:

bro -r <trace>

This invocation generates a bunch of log files in the current directory. The one you are interested in is http.log. You can filter the output to obtain only the GET requests:

bro-cut id.orig_h id.resp_h method host uri < http.log | awk '$3 == "GET"'

Example output:  GET update.avg.com  /softw/90/update/avg9infowin.ctf    GET backup.avg.cz   /softw/90/update/u7avi1777u1705ff.bin  GET aa.avg.com  /softw/90/update/u7iavi2511u2510ff.bin    GET backup.avg.cz   /softw/90/update/x8xplsb2_118c8.bin

As you can see, the last two columns make up the full URL. To remove the space in-between, you could use awk to concatenate the last two fields.

Extracting Files

Note: the upcoming Bro 2.1 release will have major improvements for file extractions. Until then, you can extract all files from a HTTP stream by specifying the MIME type of the files to store:

bro -r <trace> 'HTTP::extract_file_type = /video\/avi/'

Bro sniffs the MIME type of a HTTP body and if it matches the regular expression /video\/avi/, it creates a file with the prefix http-item. You can change the prefix name by redefining the HTTP::extraction_prefix variable.


Solution for Question 1:-

Use tshark utility. Easy to install, just "sudo apt-get install tshark"

The command I use for the same is :-

tshark  -R 'tcp.port==80 && (http.request.method == "GET" || http.request.method=="HEAD" || http.request.method=="POST" )'  -r eth2uplink_00001    -Tfields -e ip.dst -e http.request.method -e http.request.full_uri > requests_eth2_00001

Refer to all the Wireshark display filters here :- https://www.wireshark.org/docs/dfref/

This is way better approach than using Bro, Because, Bro is very complicated to install as it has specific dependencies and they could hardly be met.

I currently don't have a solution for question 2, but I believe it can be constructed something on similar lines. Following options may be useful to what you are trying.

-O Only show packet details of these protocols, comma separated

-x add output of hex and ASCII dump (Packet Bytes) You could refer tshark --help for more info.

Hope this helps. Thanks.

