I am going to download the 2005 10-Ks for several corporations in R using the EDGAR package. I have a mini loop to test which is working:
for (CIK in c(789019, 777676, 849399)){
However each time this runs I get a yes/no prompt and I have to type 'yes':
Total number of filings to be downloaded=1. Do you want to download (yes/no)? yes
Total number of filings to be downloaded=1. Do you want to download (yes/no)? yes
Total number of filings to be downloaded=1. Do you want to download (yes/no)? yes
How can I prompt R to answer 'yes' for each run? Thank you
Please remember to include a minimal reproducible example in your question, including library(...)
and all other necessary commands:
report <- getMasterIndex(2005)
We can bypass the prompt by doing some code surgery. Here, we retrieve the code for getFilings
, and replace the line that asks for the prompt with just a message. We then write the new function (my_getFilings
) to a temporary file, and source
that file:
x <- capture.output(dput(edgar::getFilings))
x <- gsub("choice <- .*", "cat(paste(msg3, '\n')); choice <- 'yes'", x)
x <- gsub("^function", "my_getFilings <- function", x)
writeLines(x, con = tmp <- tempfile())
Everything downloads fine:
for (CIK in c(789019, 777676, 849399)){
my_getFilings(2005, CIK, '10-K')
list.files(file.path(getwd(), "Edgar filings"))
# [1] "777676_10-K_2005" "789019_10-K_2005" "849399_10-K_2005"