Erroneous Boolean Mapping Hibernate (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-18 09:26:44


I have a persistend Book Class with the following properties

  • PropertyName -> HibernateMappingType -> JavaType
  • id -> long -> long
  • title -> text -> String
  • author -> string -> String
  • systemId -> long -> long
  • status -> boolean -> boolean
  • fullClassification -> string -> string

And my table description looks like this:

So far everything seems good, but when I try to fetch all the values in the table I get the following Exception Message:

   20:04:43,832 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([classifi1_1_0_] : [BIGINT]) - [11]
20:04:43,832 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([collecti1_2_1_] : [BIGINT]) - [11]
20:04:43,833 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([book_id1_0_2_] : [BIGINT]) - [1]
20:04:43,839 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([classifi2_1_0_] : [VARCHAR]) - [Prueba]
20:04:43,841 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([collecti2_2_1_] : [VARCHAR]) - [Prueba]
20:04:43,841 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([book_tit2_0_2_] : [LONGVARCHAR]) - [Libro de Prueba (No Existe) ]
20:04:43,842 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([book_aut3_0_2_] : [LONGVARCHAR]) - [Jonathan Pichardo]
20:04:43,842 TRACE BasicExtractor:61 - extracted value ([book_sys4_0_2_] : [BIGINT]) - [190996]
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 57
    at com.mysql.cj.mysqla.MysqlaUtils.bitToLong(
    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ResultSetRow.decodeAndCreateReturnValue(
    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ResultSetRow.getValueFromBytes(
    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.BufferRow.getValue(
    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ResultSetImpl.getNonStringValueFromRow(
    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ResultSetImpl.getBoolean(
    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ResultSetImpl.getBoolean(
    at org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BooleanTypeDescriptor$2.doExtract(
    at org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor.extract(

etc etc etc

The code I'm running is:

Session session = SessionFactoryHandler.buildIfNeeded(). openSession();

    Criteria crit = session.createCriteria( Book.class );




As I understand it is happening on the status property I just don't know why, if I comment the mapping property in the xml it works perfectly but with it it throws always the same exception with the same index 57, it doesn't make a difference the value of that column in the database (which has only one registry).

The mapping file is like follows:

<hibernate-mapping package="com.cetys.librarymanagement">
    <class name="com.cetys.librarymanagement.Core.DomainModels.Book" table="book">
        <meta attribute="class-description">
            This class contains the whole description of a Book,
            according to the specification in ALTAIR system.
        <id name="id" type="long" column="book_id">
        <property name="title" column="book_title" type="text" length="500" not-null="true"/>
        <property name="author" column="book_author" type="text" not-null="true"/>
        <property name="systemId" column="book_system_id" type="long" not-null="true"/>
        <property name="status" column="book_status" type="boolean" not-null="true"/>
        <property name="fullClassification" column="book_full_classification" 
                  type="string" not-null="true"/>

        <many-to-one name="classification" column="classification_id" 
                     class="com.cetys.librarymanagement.Core.DomainModels.Classification" not-null="true" 
                     unique="false" cascade="save-update" fetch="join"/>
        <many-to-one name="collection" column="collection_id"
                     class="com.cetys.librarymanagement.Core.DomainModels.Collection" not-null="false" 
                     unique="false" cascade="save-update" fetch="join"/>

Any ideas?


From what I see you are trying to map the BIT type in Database to Boolean in your hibernate code.

There is a bug in MySQL with BIT Value, from version 5.0.3 onwards, in that it does not store a single BIT value. It stores something like SET or ENUM. And that often throws up issues, when you are doing a numeric value comparison. For more details check here

You could ask your DBA to change the datatype to tinyint, however if that is not possible, you can change the status mapping from boolean to numeric_boolean, so would be something like

<property name="status" column="book_status" type="numeric_boolean" not-null="true"/>


There are two ways you can achieve the type conversion of attribute

By annotating field with Type

@Type(type = "yes_no")
private boolean isActive;

in DB Y/N will get persisted.

By writing a converter

@Convert(converter = BooleanConverter.class)
private boolean isActive;

Converter class

public class BooleanConverter implements AttributeConverter<Boolean, Character> {

    public Character convertToDatabaseColumn(Boolean attribute) {
        if (attribute)
            return 'Y';
            return 'N';

    public Boolean convertToEntityAttribute(Character dbData) {
        if ('Y' == dbData)
            return true;
            return false;


in xml you can replace the type attribute with the converter class name or yes_no

<property name="status" column="book_status" type="yes_no" not-null="true"/>

