Accesing to a VM on Fi-lab

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-18 07:14:21


I’m training to get familiar with the Fi-Ware Cloud service. I can create blueprints templates and instances but I cannot access in SSH or Connect to VM display. I have the server up and running, I can see the page “It works” of Apache. The problem I have are:

  1. With SSH I don’t know what credential I have to use, I try with my Fi-Ware credential but the server always shows me “access denied”
  2. Connect to VM display it never appears the login interface. There is some tutorial where I can see an example of how to do it or a detailed documentation how to configure and access to in a Blueprints Instance?


Usually, when you create a VM of Bluerpint, you should assign a keypair, that should be created previously. I suppose that you did it. Correct me if I am wrong. During the creation of the keypair, you could download en .pem file that it is used to access to the VM using ssh (ssh -i xxx.pem…).


I know this question was already answered but I tried these solution and only had success with additional detail after Creating, Downloading and chmod-ing the keypair file:
[user@]hostname] ssh parameter as root@Fi-lab-FloatingIPAddress ,
under root shell or
using sudo command to execute ssh -i kp.pem Fi-lab-FloatingIPAddress
Try to access without root username will results in ssh asks to password even including the keypair associated with that virtual machine.
In other words, the keypair to access fi-lab blueprint or instances only works with root username.


I am just getting familiar with #Fiware Lab. prerequisites :

  • Having in the private key you generated in the fiware cloud interface in the file fiware_rsa (text file beginning with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----)
  • Associate your server with an external IP (internet) (note you can access other instances via the one which has inet access)

ssh -i fiware.rsa user@external-ip-address

try with root user, you should see a message advising the proper user name to use depending on the instance :

ubuntu@front:~$ ssh -i .ssh/fiware_rsa root@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

Please login as the user "centos" rather than the user "root".

You can find more information here :


