I am trying to send a HTTP Post Request to put a record into Amazon Kinesis Stream. There are several ways (Kinesis Client, KPL, setting up AWS Gateway as Kinesis Proxy).
I saw this document about Kinesis PutRecord API http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_PutRecord.html
Host: kinesis.<region>.<domain>
Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes>
User-Agent: <UserAgentString>
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Authorization: <AuthParams>
Connection: Keep-Alive
X-Amz-Date: <Date>
X-Amz-Target: Kinesis_20131202.PutRecord
"StreamName": "exampleStreamName",
"Data": "XzxkYXRhPl8x",
"PartitionKey": "partitionKey"
Is it possible to send the above HTTP POST Request to PutRecord without having to set up Amazon API Gateway as explained in this link: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/use-custom-authorizer.html#call-api-with-api-gateway-custom-authorization
KPL and Kinesis Client must somehow internally use HTTP POST to PutRecord, so there must be a way to do so. Unfortunately, I could not find any resources online.
import sys, os, base64, datetime, hashlib, hmac
import requests # pip install requests
# ************* REQUEST VALUES *************
method = 'POST'
service = 'kinesis'
host = 'kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'
region = 'us-east-1'
endpoint = 'https://kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'
content_type = 'application/x-amz-json-1.1'
amz_target = 'Kinesis_20131202.PutRecord'
request_parameters = '{'
request_parameters += '"StreamName": "<StreamName>",'
request_parameters += '"Data": "' + base64.b64encode(<DATA>) + '",'
request_parameters += '"PartitionKey": "<PartitionKey>"'
request_parameters += '}'
# http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-v4-examples.html#signature-v4-examples-python
def sign(key, msg):
return hmac.new(key, msg.encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha256).digest()
def getSignatureKey(key, date_stamp, regionName, serviceName):
kDate = sign(('AWS4' + key).encode('utf-8'), date_stamp)
kRegion = sign(kDate, regionName)
kService = sign(kRegion, serviceName)
kSigning = sign(kService, 'aws4_request')
return kSigning
access_key = '<ACCESS KEY>'
secret_key = '<SECRET KEY>'
if access_key is None or secret_key is None:
print 'No access key is available.'
# Create a date for headers and the credential string
t = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
amz_date = t.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
date_stamp = t.strftime('%Y%m%d') # Date w/o time, used in credential scope
canonical_uri = '/'
canonical_querystring = ''
canonical_headers = 'content-type:' + content_type + '\n' + 'host:' + host + '\n' + 'x-amz-date:' + amz_date + '\n' + 'x-amz-target:' + amz_target + '\n'
signed_headers = 'content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target'
payload_hash = hashlib.sha256(request_parameters).hexdigest()
canonical_request = method + '\n' + canonical_uri + '\n' + canonical_querystring + '\n' + canonical_headers + '\n' + signed_headers + '\n' + payload_hash
algorithm = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'
credential_scope = date_stamp + '/' + region + '/' + service + '/' + 'aws4_request'
string_to_sign = algorithm + '\n' + amz_date + '\n' + credential_scope + '\n' + hashlib.sha256(canonical_request).hexdigest()
signing_key = getSignatureKey(secret_key, date_stamp, region, service)
signature = hmac.new(signing_key, (string_to_sign).encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
authorization_header = algorithm + ' ' + 'Credential=' + access_key + '/' + credential_scope + ', ' + 'SignedHeaders=' + signed_headers + ', ' + 'Signature=' + signature
print authorization_header;
headers = {'Content-Type':content_type,
# ************* SEND THE REQUEST *************
print '\nBEGIN REQUEST++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print 'Request URL = ' + endpoint
r = requests.post(endpoint, data=request_parameters, headers=headers)
print '\nRESPONSE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print 'Response code: %d\n' % r.status_code
print r.text
Just change the required parameters in the code that are marked with <> and you ll be able to hit the endpoint via HTTP. This is only applicable if you cant use aws-sdk or aws-cli for some reason.
The above code is in python.
for transformation, check the following link. https://github.com/danharper/hmac-examples
You possibly could setup API Gateway to hook up the RESTful API call to Kinesis.Since you need to setup the IAM Role and policy for the Kinesis APIs, and associate it with the AWS service proxy for Kinesis.
The link you posted is how you can custom the authorizer, the API Gateway is still running behind the things.
After setting up the API Gateway, you can refer https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_CreateStream.html to manage your kinesis streams/records.