I'm trying to get into JAX-RS. My project jdk is set to 1.7.03. Does there have to be definitions of annotations for JAX-RS(javax.ws.rs)? If not, where I can find them?
These classes (JSR 311: JAX-RS: The JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services) are not part of the JDK. You need to include appropriate JAR file to your CLASSPATH. You can find the API e.g. in maven repository.
Also check out apache-cxf, jersey (reference implementation), resteasy from JBoss, restlet and few other JAX-RS implementations.
Try: http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/jaxrs-2_0_rev_A-mrel-spec/index.html
Download: javax.ws.rs-api-2.0.rev.A.jar
Then add to your Project Properties(YourProjectName)->Libraries->Add JAR/Folder
It doesn't matter what your JDK is set to.
Go here= http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/j/Downloadjavaxwsrsjar.htm
Or type in "Download javax.ws.rs" into Google.
Download “javax.ws/javax.ws.rs.jar.zip”
Unzip to your desktop. The resulting file should be a jar file. Open your project preferences and add it as external jar.
Select your javax.ws.rs.jar file from your Desktop.
Click “Apply” and then “OK”.
Now you should be able to use the javax.ws.rs libraries. You can test it by typing "import javax.ws.rs.GET;" in one of your Java classes.