Amazon Alexa skill: We were unable to link xxxx at this time. And with 401 Unauthorized

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-17 21:22:45


Amazon Alexa skill: We were unable to link xxxx at this time. And with 401 Unauthorized.


Skill model: CUSTOM

Skill STATUS: In Development

Account Linking: Auth Code Grant

Client Authentication Scheme: "HTTP Basic" (Credentials in request body is the same error)

Default Access Token Expiration Time: 360

1,Use Browser on Microsoft Windows open

In "DEV SKILLS", Enable my CUSTOM skill, Amazon Alexa service accesses my "Authorization URI" and asks for the "code". I send the "code" to it's redirect_uri(

This is no problem.

2,Amazon Alexa service has received my "code" and use it to access my "Access Token URI".

(Note that the authorization server must respond to the token request within 4.5 seconds.)

Yes, I'm sure it is accessing my "Access Token URI", because the code it provided is the same with that I sended in Step 1.

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: Server Date: Thu, 09 May 2019

And in my Browser, URL:


Can anyone help me? Thanks!


