Below mentioned is my XML,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Response xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<data signature="something">
<outcome errorcode="0" errordescription="" errorsolution=""/>
I wish to extract the "errorcode" from this XML. How I am suppose to do that ? Please help.
If your target devices support SAX from JSR 172, you should go with this parser. It will reduce your app's final jar size (no libs imported). There is a good sample at http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/JSR_172:_XML_Parsing_Example It actually unmarshalls the XML into Java objects.
After you feel confident you may try my generic approach to unmarshalling in Java ME at http://smallandadaptive.blogspot.com.br/2010/11/xml-data-binding.html
You can use http://kxml.sourceforge.net/ to parse XML messages.
The message above looks like a Soap response message. The suppose to be parse for you by your soap client?