Injecting a service into another service in angularJS

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-17 17:29:33


Is it possible to inject one service into another service in angularJS?


Yes. follow the regular injection rule in angularjs.

app.service('service1', function(){});

//Inject service1 into service2

Thanks to @simon. It is better to use Array injection to avoid minifying problem.

  app.service('service2',['service1', function(service1) {}]);


Yes. Like this (this is a provider, but same thing applies)

    module.provider('SomeService', function () {

    this.$get = ['$q','$db','$rootScope', '$timeout', 
                function($q,$db,$rootScope, $timeout) {
          return reval;

In this example, $db is a service declared elsewhere in the app and injected into the provider's $get function.


In order to avoid any confusion, I think it is also worth mentioning that if you are using any other services (e.g. $http, $cookies, $state) in your childService, then you also need to explicitly declare them.


function() {
  var childService = function($http, $cookies, parentService) {

  // Methods inherited
  this.method1Inherited = parentService.method1();
  this.method2Inherited = parentService.method2();

  // You can always add more functionality to your child service

  angular.module("app").service("childService", ["$http", "$cookies", "parentService", childService]);


You can either declare the services you are using inside your child in an array and then they get injected automatically, or inject them separately with the $inject annotation:

childService.$inject = ["$http", "$cookies", "parentService"]; 
angular.module("app").service("childService ", childService );

