How to unpivot a table in PostgreSQL

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-17 17:06:49


I am having difficulties writing a Postgres function, as I am not familiar with it. I have multiple tables to import into Postgres with this format:

id | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | ...
 1    23     45     87     99
 2    12     31    ...

which I need to convert into this format:

id | year | value
 1   1960    23
 1   1961    45
 1   1962    87
 2   1960    12
 2   1961    31

I would imagine the function too to read like this:

SELECT all-years FROM imported_table;
CREATE a new_table;
FROM min-year TO max-year LOOP
     EXECUTE "INSERT INTO new_table (id, year, value) VALUES (id, year, value)";

However, I'm having real trouble writing the nitty-gritty details for this. Would be easier for me to do that in PHP, but I am convinced that it's cleaner to do it directly in a Postgres-function.

The years (start and end) vary from table to table. And sometimes, I can even have years only for every fifth year or so ...


A completely dynamic version requires dynamic SQL. Use a plpgsql function with EXECUTE:

For Postgres 9.2 or older (before LATERAL was implemented):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_unpivot_years92(_tbl regclass, VARIADIC _years int[])
  RETURNS TABLE(id int, year int, value int) AS
   SELECT id
        , unnest($1) AS year
        , unnest(ARRAY["'|| array_to_string(_years, '","') || '"]) AS val
   FROM   ' || _tbl || '
   ORDER  BY 1, 2'
   USING _years;
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

For Postgres 9.3 or later (with LATERAL):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_unpivot_years(_tbl regclass, VARIADIC _years int[])
  RETURNS TABLE(id int, year int, value int) AS
     'SELECT, u.year, u.val
      FROM  ' || _tbl || ' t
         VALUES ' || string_agg(format('(%s, t.%I)', y, y), ', ')
     || ') u(year, val) ON true
      ORDER  BY 1, 2'
      FROM   unnest(_years) y
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


  • Return rows matching elements of input array in plpgsql function

Call for arbitrary years:

SELECT * FROM f_unpivot_years('tbl', 1961, 1964, 1963);

Same, passing an actual array:

SELECT * FROM f_unpivot_years('tbl', VARIADIC '{1960,1961,1962,1963}'::int[]);

For a long list of sequential years:

FROM f_unpivot_years('t', VARIADIC ARRAY(SELECT generate_series(1950,2014)));

For a long list with regular intervals (example for every 5 years):

FROM f_unpivot_years('t', VARIADIC ARRAY(SELECT generate_series(1950,2010,5)));

Output as requested.

The function takes:
1. A valid table name - double-quoted if it's otherwise illegal (like '"CaMeL"'). Using the object identifier type regclass to assert correctness and defend against SQL injection. You may want to schema-qualify the tale name to be unambiguous (like 'public."CaMeL"'). More:

  • Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter

2. Any list of numbers corresponding to (double-quoted) column names.
Or an actual array, prefixed with the keyword VARIADIC.

The array of columns does not have to be sorted in any way, but table and columns must exist or an exception is raised.

Output is sorted by id and year (as integer). If you want years to be sorted according to the sort order of the input array, make it just ORDER BY 1. Sort order according to array is not strictly guaranteed, but works in the current implementation. More about that:

  • PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

Also works for NULL values.

SQL Fiddle for both with examples.


  • Is there something like a zip() function in PostgreSQL that combines two arrays?

  • Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter

  • PostgreSQL generate_series() with SQL function as arguments


PostgreSQL 9.3 offers as neat JSON functions which can be used for such tasks without defining new functions or knowing a number of columns.

SELECT id, (k).key as year, (k).value as value FROM
  (SELECT j->>'id' as id, json_each_text(j) as k
    FROM (
       SELECT row_to_json(tbl) as j FROM tbl) 
    as q)
    as r
WHERE (k).key <> 'id';!15/1714b/13


Parallel unnesting might be easier

    unnest(array[1960, 1961, 1962]) as year,
    unnest(array["1960", "1961", "1962"]) as value
from (values
    (1,23,45,87), (2,12,31,53)
) s(id, "1960", "1961", "1962")
 id | year | value 
  1 | 1960 |    23
  1 | 1961 |    45
  1 | 1962 |    87
  2 | 1960 |    12
  2 | 1961 |    31
  2 | 1962 |    53


The simplest way is a union all:

select id, 1960 as year, "1960" as value
from table t
union all
select id, '1960', "1961"
from table t
. . .;

A somewhat more sophisticated way would be:

select, s.yr,
       (case when s.yr = 1960 then "1960"
             when s.yr = 1961 then "1961"
             . . .
        end) as value
from table t cross join
     generate_series(1960, 1980) s(yr);

You can put this into another table using insert or create table as.

