I would like to use Derby from apache in order to include database management on a desktop application that I'm currently developing.
Unfortunately I figured out that they have stopped developing this plugin and all the tutorials I've read online refer to this plugin.
So my question is, how can I use the latest version of Derby on eclipse? What steps should I follow? I would like my application to be standalone and easily transferable.
thanks in advance
Apache Derby is just like other databases that provide interface through JDBC. You don't need a specific plugin to connect with Derby. Just use the usual JDBC routines.
Basic steps:
- If you want to use the latest Derby version, first you need to download it from here
- You need to include the jar in your classpath.
- You just need to make connections and perform queries using JDBC, as better explained at the Oracle JDBC Tutorial.
Ditto pram.
I'm using Derby in a Java app I'm developing with Eclipse, and I didn't know there was a plug-in. I connect to Derby like I would to any other database. I use the Derby command-line interface to manage the tables. \
(One feature of other db's I would have liked to see in Derby: having SQL extensions to display db metadata, like MySql's "show" and "describe" commands. Derby has these in the command-line interface, but they're apparently implemented there rather than in the SQL engine itself, so you can't use them outside of the CLI. Bummer. When I'm developing, I often build an ad hoc query screen into the app that lets me type in and execute arbitrary queries. (And no, I don't deploy this to public websites.) But I digress.)
I don't know what the plug-in does for you. I've never used an Eclipse plug-in for any database.
The plug-in is still available in source form, and instructions for building it are available on the Derby website: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/db/derby/code/trunk/plugins/eclipse/Readme.txt?view=markup
From time to time the instructions for building the plug-in change; you might wish to check into the status of this issue for further updates: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-5272