I have following code to find prime numbers in 10 seconds:
prime_nums = function (){
ptm <- proc.time()
p_nums = c(2)
counter = 2
while (TRUE){
counter = counter +1
for(n in p_nums) {
if(n > sqrt(counter)){ isPRIME=TRUE; break; }
if(counter %% n == 0){ isPRIME = FALSE; break;}
if(isPRIME) { p_nums[length(p_nums)+1]=counter ; cat("",counter,";")}
if((proc.time()[3]-ptm[3]) > 10) break;
However, this is written with many loops which are generally not preferred in R. How can I optimize this code to become as fast as possible?
EDIT: I found following code to be fastest:
prime_nums_fastest = function (){
ptm <- proc.time()
p_nums = c(2L,3L,5L,7L)
counter = 7L
while (TRUE){
counter = counter +2L
loc = 4*sqrt(counter)/log(counter,2)
isPRIME = !any(0 == (counter %% p_nums[1:loc]))
if(isPRIME) { p_nums[length(p_nums)+1]=counter }
if((proc.time()[3]-ptm[3]) > 10) break;
Initial small primes are kept to simplify. Using 2*sqrt.. or even 3*sqrt... for loc parameter leads to inclusion of non-primes. Significantly less primes need to be checked than using 1:sqrt(counter).
Get rid of the cat
command. That's expensive. With it in place, I get to 384239. Returning the vector of primes instead gets me to 471617, a significant improvement.
Changing n > sqrt(counter)
to n*n > counter
gets me to 477163, a small improvement.
Changing p_nums
and counter
to be of type integer
gets me to 514859, another small improvement. This is achieved by modifying the lines where these are defined and adjusted:
p_nums = c(2L)
counter = 2L
# ... and inside the loop:
counter = counter +1L
Note that you can vectorize the loop which determines that a value is prime, with code such as this:
isPRIME = !any(0 == (counter %% p_nums[1:sqrt(counter)]))
Using that instead of for
gets me to 451249, a significant regression (using no cat
and using integer arithmetic). This is because R does not have lazy list evaluation, so the modulus is taken for every value, then they are tested against 0. This is an advantage of for
in this case.