How can I convert a tree to a list: So far I have the following code but its giving several issues:
type 'a tree = Lf | Br of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree;;
let rec elementRight xs = function
| LF ->false
| Br(m,t1,t2) -> if elementRight xs t1 = false then t1::xs else element xs t1;; //cannot find element
let rec elementLeft xs = function
| LF ->false
| Br(m,t1,t2) -> if elementLeft xs t2 = false then t2::xs else element xs t2 ;; //cannot find element
let rec element xs = function
| LF ->[]
| Br(m,t1,t2) -> xs::(elementRight xs t1)::(elementRight xs t2)::(elementLeft xs t1)::(elementLeft xs t2);;
There are a number of problems with your code:
You shouldn't have
at the end of lines (I'm guessing this means you're copy and pasting into the repl, you should really use an fsx file instead and use "send to repl").This:
| LF ->false
is returning a bool, while this:| Br(m,t1,t2) -> if elementRight xs t1 = false then t1::xs else element xs t1
is returning an'a list
. An expression can only have one type, so returning two is a compile error. I'm guessing what you really are meaning to do is have the leaf return[]
and then check for empty list in your branch case something like this:
let rec elementRight xs = function
| LF ->[]
| Br(m,t1,t2) -> if elementRight xs t1 = List.empty then t1::xs else element xs t1
3 . when using mutually recursive functions you need to use the and
keyword for all declarations but the first like this:
let rec elementRight xs = function
and elementLeft xs = function
and element xs = function