I was writing a very simple program to examine if a number could divide another number evenly:
// use the divider squared to reduce iterations
for(divider = 2; (divider * divider) <= number; divider++)
if(number % divider == 0)
print("%d can divided by %d\n", number, divider);
Now I was curious if the task could be done by finding the square root of number and compare it to divider. However, it seems that sqrt() isn't really able to boost the efficiency. How was sqrt() handled in C and how can I boost the efficiency of sqrt()? Also, is there any other way to approach the answer with even greater efficiency?
Also, the
number % divider == 0
is used to test if divider could evenly divide number, is there also a more efficient way to do the test besides using %?
I'm not going to address what the best algorithm to find all factors of an integer is. Instead I would like to comment on your current method.
There are thee conditional tests cases to consider
(divider * divider) <= number
divider <= number/divider
divider <= sqrt(number)
See Conditional tests in primality by trial division for more detials.
The case to use depends on your goals and hardware.
The advantage of case 1 is that it does not require a division. However, it can overflow when divider*divider
is larger than the largest integer. Case two does not have the overflow problem but it requires a division. For case3 the sqrt
only needs to be calculated once but it requires that the sqrt
function get perfect squares correct.
But there is something else to consider many instruction sets, including the x86 instruction set, return the remainder as well when doing a division. Since you're already doing number % divider
this means that you get it for free when doing number / divider
Therefore, case 1 is only useful on system where the division and remainder are not calculated in one instruction and you're not worried about overflow.
Between case 2 and case3 I think the main issue is again the instruction set. Choose case 2 if the sqrt
is too slow compared to case2 or if your sqrt
function does not calculate perfect squares correctly. Choose case 3 if the instruction set does not calculate the divisor and remainder in one instruction.
For the x86 instruction set case 1, case 2 and case 3 should give essentially equal performance. So there should be no reason to use case 1 (however see a subtle point below) . The C standard library guarantees that the sqrt
of perfect squares are done correctly. So there is no disadvantage to case 3 either.
But there is one subtle point about case 2. I have found that some compilers don't recognize that the division and remainder are calculated together. For example in the following code
for(divider = 2; divider <= number/divider; divider++)
if(number % divider == 0)
GCC generates two division instruction even though only one is necessary. One way to fix this is to keep the division and reminder close like this
divider = 2, q = number/divider, r = number%divider
for(; divider <= q; divider++, q = number/divider, r = number%divider)
if(r == 0)
In this case GCC produces only one division instruction and case1, case 2 and case 3 have the same performance. But this code is a bit less readable than
int cut = sqrt(number);
for(divider = 2; divider <= cut; divider++)
if(number % divider == 0)
so I think overall case 3 is the best choice at least with the x86 instruction set.
However, it seems that sqrt() isn't really able to boost the efficiency
That is to be expected, as the saved multiplication per iteration is largely dominated by the much slower division operation inside the loop.
Also, the
number % divider = 0
is used to test if divider could evenly divide number, is there also a more efficient way to do the test besides using %?
Not that I know of. Checking whether a % b == 0
is at least as hard as checking a % b = c
for some c, because we can use the former to compute the latter (with one extra addition). And at least on Intel architectures, computing the latter is just as computationally expensive as a division, which is amongst the slowest operations in typical, modern processors.
If you want significantly better performance, you need a better factorization algorithm, of which there are plenty. One particular simple one with runtime O(n1/4) is Pollard's ρ algorithm. You can find a straightforward C++ implementation in my algorithms library. Adaption to C is left as an exercise to the reader:
int rho(int n) { // will find a factor < n, but not necessarily prime
if (~n & 1) return 2;
int c = rand() % n, x = rand() % n, y = x, d = 1;
while (d == 1) {
x = (1ll*x*x % n + c) % n;
y = (1ll*y*y % n + c) % n;
y = (1ll*y*y % n + c) % n;
d = __gcd(abs(x - y), n);
return d == n ? rho(n) : d;
void factor(int n, map<int, int>& facts) {
if (n == 1) return;
if (rabin(n)) { // simple randomized prime test (e.g. Miller–Rabin)
// we found a prime factor
int f = rho(n);
factor(n/f, facts);
factor(f, facts);
Constructing the factors of n
from its prime factors is then an easy task. Just use all possible exponents for the found prime factors and combine them in each possible way.
In C, you can take square roots of floating point numbers with the sqrt()
family of functions in the header <math.h>
Taking square roots is usually slower than dividing because the algorithm to take square roots is more complicated than the division algorithm. This is not a property of the C language but of the hardware that executes your program. On modern processors, taking square roots can be just as fast as dividing. This holds, for example, on the Haswell microarchitecture.
However, if the algorithmic improvements are good, the slightly slower speed of a sqrt()
call usually doesn't matter.
To only compare up to the square root of number
, employ code like this:
#include <math.h>
/* ... */
int root = (int)sqrt((double)number);
for(divider = 2; divider <= root; divider++)
if(number % divider = 0)
print("%d can divided by %d\n", number, divider);
This is just my random thought, so please comment and critisize it if it's wrong.
The idea is to precompute all the prime numbers below a certain range and use it as a table.
Looping though the table, check if the prime number is a factor, if it is, then increament the counter for that prime number, if not then increment the index. Terminate when the index reaches the end or the prime number to check exceeds the input.
At end, the result is a table of all the prime factors of the input, and their counts. Then generating all natual factors should be trival, isn't it?
Worst case, the loop needs to go to the end, then it takes 6542 iterations.
Considering the input is [0, 4294967296] this is similar to O(n^3/8)
Here's MATLAB code that implements this method:
if p
is generated by p=primes(65536);
this method would work for all inputs between [0, 4294967296]
(but not tested).
function [ output_non_zero ] = fact2(input, p)
% break condition: input is divided to 1,
% all prime factors are found.
% if dividable, increament counter and don't increament index
% keep checking until not dividable
input = input/p(i);
% not dividable, try next
% remove all zeros, should be handled more efficiently
output_non_zero = [p(output_table~=0);...
if(input > 1.5)
% the last and largest prime factor could be larger than 65536
% hence would skip from the table, add it to the end of output
% if exists
output_non_zero = [output_non_zero,[input;1]];
t = floor(rand()*4294967296);
b = fact2(t, p);
% check if all prime factors adds up and they are all primes
assert((prod(b(1,:).^b(2,:))==t)&&all(isprime(b(1,:))), 'test failed');